♕ | Chapter Thirty-Four

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chapter thirty-four: doll house

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chapter thirty-four: doll house


*50 Votes until Next Chapter*

DO YOU ever get those moments that feel surreal? Like you're in a shot straight out of a cheesy movie, or a dramatic music video. Small moments that pop up, luring you into pretending you're part of that blockbuster hit. Like driving through the middle of no where, staring out your window in deep thought as music plays in the background, feeling the emotion so strongly as if you're the co-star in Ed Sheeran's new music video?

It's small, petite moments like that, that make you question everything about your life. These moments pull you deep inside your subconsciousness, that part of your mind that you keep to yourself, hidden from the rest of the world, including your friends and family. That part of you is the real you, and the more you sink deeper into it, the more you will begin to question yourself.

Why did I choose to wear that shirt yesterday? I wonder where I'll be fifty years from now. Will I even be alive? Are dogs really colour blind?

The stupidest of questions pop into your head while you're deep in thought, your mind wandering to places that do not exist when in full consciousness. The noise around you turns into nothing but a ringing buzz, drowned out by thoughts as if they're screaming their way through.

Everything seems almost peaceful when deep in thought, until you're forced to wake up. It seems nowadays I'm always in deep thought, unaware of the severity of the situation me and my fellow friends are in. It's only when I wake up every now and then that I realize I am not in a movie, and instead living in real life. It's as if I'm living in an everlasting trance.

That's how I feel right now, in this exact moment. To be honest, I've felt this way for a while, like my life is shot straight out of a 90's thriller blockbuster and everything around me is in slow motion. I can tell Betty feels this way too, as it is the only way we've managed to stay sane.

Everything around me seems like it's shot out of a movie, the topic of murder, kidnapping, stalkers, student affairs and teen pregnancies highlighting the summary. All events make for a great movie, but a not so great life. I, much like every other person in Riverdale would much rather witness this type of gore in a movie compared to real life. If only there was a way to switch the roles.

In this exact moment, as I stand in the middle of the Lodge's apartment which is decorated with endless shades of pink balloons and gold ribbons do I realize I have never felt so out of place. For once I'm actually doing a normal thing, attending a normal baby shower yet it feels so wrong. I'm not use to this sort of thing. Part of me feels like I should be back in the computer lab, piecing together Jason's murder board and writing my story. However, I know I need to be here to support Betty.

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