♕ | Chapter Thirteen

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chapter 13: factuality


THERE HAVE never been points in my life when I'm frightened of my mother, scared of the wrath she can bring upon people as I have always fought against her, stood my ground. That's why our relationship was so uneasy, so rigged. I am not easily manipulated, nor frightened, but I think it's fair to say that right now I am genuinely terrified of what my mother plans to do.

For the first time in a long time, I am terrified of my mother. She's in a state of pure fury, pure rage and there is absolutely no guessing what she plans to do with the excessive amount of flaming fire scorching through her veins.

Jughead and I sit in the back seat of my mother's car, listening to her rant and yell. I ball my hands into tight, clenched fists, preparing to argue back once she shuts her trap for more than half a second.

"Do you have any idea what this means Elizabeth! I knew this Archie kid was bad news, and judging by your taste in friends, I'd say you've dug yourself a pretty deep hole of failure." My mother snaps, glaring at Jughead through the mirror.

"MOM!" I yell, appalled that she would even dare to insult Jughead while he's in the car. I would be pissed if she insulted him any other day, but to throw daggers at him while he sits beside me is a new kind of low I never expected my mother to do.

"You are a bright student Elizabeth, there is no reason you need to be hanging out with such lowlifes." My mom hisses, driving insanely fast.

"You don't know anything about my friends mother, let alone me. So before you go insulting my friends right in front of them, I advise you to check your facts." I argue back, our voices booming throughout the small car.

Jughead places his hand on my lap, turning my attention to him. For the second do I look in his eyes do I feel my anger go from a burning ten to a sizzling five on the angry scale.

"I know more about you than you think Ms.Cooper." My mother says. "I know Archie Andrews is involved with a teacher, and I know you broke into her car and stole her gun."

My mouth instincivley gapes open, Jughead and I exchanging warily glances. "How do you know ..." I breath in deeply once I realize how she knows this crucial information. As a tactic to cool my mind and get my chaotic thoughts out of my head, I write them down on paper, in my diary. That is the only way my mother could have known those things. "You read my diary?" I gasp angrily.

"You bet I did missy. So don't even think of lying, because I know everything." She growls, pulling into a parking spot at the school.

She hops out of the car, opening my door to force me out but I don't move. My mind is whizzing with thoughts, thinking too rapidly for me to multitask. My mother was the one who suggested I write down my thoughts, she was even the one to buy me a diary. Now I know that was all just a trick, some lame trap so she could use that against me. It was a way for her to receive inside information because she knows I'm not very open with her. It was shocking, and burned the rope of trust between us right off, detaching it completely.

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