♕ | Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten: the unraveling


NEVER did I ever expect my Nancy Drew handbook to come in handy. Never did I expect to spend my Friday night breaking into a teacher's car, and steal her fake ID and gun. In other words, there are a lot of things I wasn't expecting to do tonight.

I'm still shocked about our findings in Ms.Grundy's car, yet relieved that Archie appeared to be taking everything serious now. That was all I ever wanted; for him to take us serious.

For the rest of the night, Jughead and I watched the rest of the movie back at the drive-in. There was only about twenty minutes left by the time we got there, but it was still worth it. It was sad, watching the last movie be played on the outdoor screen. I spent so many nights here with my friends, specifically Archie and Jughead. I especially knew how special this place was to Jughead, and I felt bad that I couldn't do anything to help him. This one was out of our control.

I had offered to stay with Jughead to help him close up the movies but he refused, saying he was going to be a while. I couldn't help but suspect he was lying, as he spoke without a smile. Jughead always spoke with a smile, like it was natural to him. Speaking without one however was unnatural, almost forced which led me to believe he was lying. Maybe I was suspecting something, or maybe I was loosing my mind, but something was definitely off. But for that night, I left it.

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My favourite thing about weekends was the freedom of sleeping in. There were no alarms, no stress, just blissful sleep that was much needed after the long week I have had. I had forgotten all about Ms.Grundy and our findings until I got a text from Archie.


Arch: Hey Betty, can we talk?


I blink rapidly several times to assure myself that I'm not just imagining the words presented in front of me on the screen. Archie actually wants to talk to me? Has he finally agreed with me?

I can only hope that he's realized that Ms.Grundy is no good for him, and that he'll let it go. I can only hope that he's finally ready to let her go, and move on with his life. I want him to snap the leash Grundy has strapped around his neck. I need the old Archie back, broken from this spell.

I jump out of bed, not minding that it's ten o'clock in the morning. I would like to have slept until noon, but this is more important. I quickly slip some leggings on and a simple t-shirt before applying some make-up, grabbing my jacket and sprinting down the stairs, putting on my shoes and walking over to Archie's door. I don't even mind that I haven't eaten yet. As of right now, all that matters is Archie.

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