♕ | Chapter Forty-Six

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chapter forty-six: the aftermath

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chapter forty-six: the aftermath

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RIVERDALE appeared much quieter after the dance ended. The streets were empty leaving the rain to drizzle a soft blanket of sorrow over the town. A dark truth was unfolded tonight, leaving several hearts broken and twisting of pain in its wake.

Jughead went missing after his dad was arrested, leaving all of us worried. I had no idea what he knew, or what he was thinking, and the fact that he hasn't spoken to me makes my heart ache even more. We were so sure that his father was innocent. Jughead was so confident that his father was telling the truth, but tonight that all came tumbling down.

Cheryl was taken to the hospital immediately following her poisoning. Although we weren't allowed to visit her, Sheriff Keller was kind enough to inform us of her status. Although the mixture of methanol and bleach is a deadly concoction, the dosage inside of the cup of fruit punch wasn't high enough to kill a person. Good thing Ms.Grundy was a music teacher, and not a chemistry teacher.

She was expected to be fine and once the toxins left her body she would be free to go. As for Ms.Grundy, Sheriff Keller guesses she'll be spending at least ten years behind bars for attempted first degree murder. Add the fact that she was stalking me and threatening to kill me, that could add as many as five years to her sentence. The point Keller was trying to tell me, was that I wasn't going to hear from Geraldine Grundy in a long time- if ever, considering the courts will probably issue a restraining order for me against her.

A huge weight was lifted off my chest tonight at the same time another one was tossed on. The fact that someone tried to kill me tonight doesn't even phase me, as I'm more concerned about Jughead's whereabouts. I've sent him several texts, all of which he has failed to reply to. Every time I've called him it's gone straight to voicemail, meaning either his phone is dead or turned off. Or maybe he's straight up ignoring me. 

I now lay awake in my room, my mother fast asleep as my father is no doubt sleeping at The Register. It's been two hours since tonight's chaotic events. Two hours I've been forced to pretend everything was okay, that my boyfriend isn't MIA, pretending that my mother isn't my worst enemy at the moment. Not only did she encourage two of my friends to break into my boyfriend's house, but I fear she may have also told Jughead about what they did. Not able to take it any longer, I reach for my phone on my night table.


Me: Archie, r u up?


He replies back almost instantly. I don't have to peer through my bedroom window to know he's laying on his bed in the dark, unable to sleep the same as I am.

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