♕| Chapter Four

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Chapter Four: truth or dare


IT WAS STRANGE.  To sit on the steps of someone's house who you once considered your best friend. It was late, nearing ten at night and yet Archie still hasn't shown up yet. I'll just add that to the list of questions to interrogate him with while I'm here.

I had promised Betty I would share whatever I found about what Archie is hiding, but now I'm not so sure that's a good idea. If Archie and this teacher are really that close, then maybe she's what's made Archie so blind to the perfect girl who's always been by his side. All this time Betty's been crushing over Archie, and he's been falling in love with a goddamn teacher.

I watch through the shadows of the trees as a silhouette approaches, the ginger hair visible under the streetlights. I clench my jaw as I stand up from the steps, walking towards him. It appears I've startled him, as he jumps slightly at my figure.

"Oh come on, I'm not that scary." I tease, crossing my arms across my chest.

"What are you doing here, Jug?" Archie presses, not in the joking mood. Nobody is ever in a joking mood. Except maybe Betty.

"I think the real question is, where were you?" I ask, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Picking up dinner." He says 'matter of factly', holding out a take-out bag from Pop's. "Now what's up?" He asks again.

"What's up, is that I saw you, in the music room with Ms.Grundy." I blurt out, watching as Archie's eyes go fearfully wide.

"Watch it, my dad is inside!" Archie panics, only fuelling my anger.

"I'm trying to help you, dude. I'm trying to be your friend." I scoff, shaking my head. "I don't know why. You haven't really been a friend to any of us." I mutter under my breath. "How long?" I press. "how long have you and Grundy..."

"Since the summer." Archie answers quietly, his grip tightening on the take-out bag. "I like her." He explains.

I let out a forced laugh, flailing my arms up in the air in disbelief. "You bailed on some road trip with me, for some cougar?" I laugh sarcastically.

"Hey don't call her that!" Archie argues, hissing though his clenched jaw.

"She's the reason you've been acting weird all summer!" I exclaim, not caring any more that his dad is inside.

"One of them." He mutters.

I raise my eyebrows in mock surprise. "One of them?" I laugh.

Archie doesn't change his stern expression, his eyes pained as if he's been meaning to talk to someone about this. "Her and I, we were at Sweet Water River the day Jason went missing." He gulps. "And we heard a gunshot- the gunshot." And my whole mood changes.

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