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he school bell just rang, signalling the start of school. Time to go into examination room.

"Sure, guys." I throw a peace sign at my friends and go to examination class.

Room 105.

I internally roll my eyes. What a boring class. Everyone in there just bores me to death.

In the examination room the school mixes up different grades to prevent cheating.

I head to class and discover that I'm early, because the invigilator hasn't arrived yet.

I pull out my earphones and pluck them in. I go stand next to the few people who are in my actual class, so that I don't seem like a loner.

I glance around the people of this examination room. As usual, no interesting people here.

I look out the balcony since we're upstairs and stare at nothing in particular, while my classmates chatter away.

After about a minute or so, I decide to turn around since there's nothing interesting happening down there when I see the fat, ugly girl standing with her deadlocked friend.

They're laughing at something one of the other said.

My eyes continue scanning around and still find nobody interesting.

My eyes land on the fat girl once more and now she's smiling at something her friend just said.

I often see them around school.

She nods and then adds something of her own to their conversation but I can't hear what, as my earphones are still plucked in my ears.

My gaze on her unnecessarily lingers for a second longer before I pull my eyes away from her.

The invigilator finally arrives and opens the door for us to enter.

I take my place in the seat 2nd to the back and await the invigilator's instructions for the day.

I unpluck my earphones from my ear and curl them inside my pocket.

The fat girl now takes her seat at the very front of the class. She sits down and removes her bag from her shoulders and places it directly behind her on the chair, just like everybody else.

Our invigilator of the day comes in and demands silent. We give it to her and she tells us what time we're going to start writing.

The same time as yesterday and the day before.

I take out my books to study the time being just as everybody else does.

After I take out my books, the fat girl now turns around and takes out her higher grade books. She's one grade higher than me.

She places them on her table behind her without looking up. Because I am facing front, of course my eyes are going to dart over to her.

She finishes taking out all that she needs and finally looks up.

Her eyes instantly meet with mine.

However, instead of immediately looking away, my eyes stay glued to hers.

Surprisingly, hers too.

A few seconds passed before she looked away.

Why in the world was I staring at her?

I lightly shake my head and look down at my study work, brushing off what just happened.


The Fat Girl Somehow Stole My HeartWhere stories live. Discover now