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Wendy's P.O.V

After Tyler confirmed to me that he was a murderer, the silence between us became unbearable.

For a long time, I didn't - and couldn't - say anything.

Tyler patiently waited for me while observing me.

After a while, I started feeling self-conscious with his eyes on me so I decided to say something.

I decided to ask for the truth.

"Did you..." I felt uncomfortable asking but I knew I had to. "Did you really kill her brother?"

He nodded.

It felt like a blow to my heart. A part of me hoped he'd say Natasha was lying about everything. That she kidnapped me simply because she was a jealous ex or something.

But no. My boyfriend was apparently a murderer.

He stared at me with expectation. It was as if he had expected me to scream or have a dramatic reaction.

Instead, I stared at him wordlessly, awaiting an explanation.

For a moment, he hesitated but took a deep breath as if he knew he did owe me an explanation.

He briefly closed his eyes before reopening them a second later, ridding them of all emotion.

"A few years ago, Natasha and I were in a relationship. Like any other couples, we had our ups and downs." He shrugged. "One night I was visiting her house when we got into a major fight. I don't even remember what we were fighting about but I was furious. I stormed out her room and was about to head downstairs to leave when her brother stopped me.

"He told me not to speak to his sister in such a manner and started pushing me. Usually I wouldn't have pushed back but I was not myself that day. I pushed him back causing him to stumble back, right onto the stairs. He tried reaching for the handrail but he missed it and he rolled down the stairs, breaking his neck on impact.

"He died on the spot."

For a long time, I couldn't process the information.

The tension around us was so thick, it could have been cut with a knife.

It only dawned on me then:
My Tyler killed another human.

At such a young age, he has had to live with such a gruesome fact.

"Why aren't you in jail?" I asked the first question that came to mind.

"Because of the lawyers my dad hired. They convinced the magistrate that Natasha was lying when she claimed I pushed Christian down the stairs. And there was also no proof. The magistrate ended up believing that Christian simply and unfortunately tripped and fell down the stairs. His death was marked accidental and I was off the hook."

I couldn't believe it. Tyler literally got away with murder.

I didn't know how to feel about this. Yes, he didn't kill Christian on purpose but, he and his lawyers blatantly lied in court so that he didn't go to jail.

Natasha didn't recieve any justice for her brother.

I finally understood why she hated him so much. If I was in her shoes, I'd hate him just as much, if not more.

"How did Natasha and Christian's parents react to everything?"

Tyler shifted uncomfortably. "Their parents had died in a plane crash three years prior Christian's death."

I was beyond shocked at this point.

Natasha had just lost her parents three years before her brother got killed.

"He was the only family she had left." He added. "He was her legal guardian. He took care of everything in their house. Bills, food, school fees, uniform, ecetra."

"Oh my w-" Before I could finish my gasp, Tyler continued.

"She had to move to an orphanage for a year. One day, she asked me to see her. The rest of the kids and nun's at the orphanage were out on a field trip so she was alone. She told me that she forgave me and missed me. She started kissing me and touching me and next thing I knew, we were in her room. She seduced me and we had sex. Unprotected sex. After that, she blackmailed me.

"She told me that she was going to claim I raped her. Because we didn't use a condom, traces of my sperm would be found inside her which would confirm her accusation to the police."

I didn't think anything could shock me more than I had already been from Tyler's story, but the surprises just kept on coming.

He continued. "She wanted $5 million from my family. If we didn't pay her, she was going to lay a charge of rape against me. I could have gotten up to 10 years of jail time. We had to pay her. My dad owned a real estate agency so he was luckily able to pay it. We had to use all our savings and money from the business. The payment to Natasha left my dad's business bankrupt and he had to close it down. We lost everything, including our house. We literally went from rich to rags. My dad resented me after that. He blamed me for everything and abandoned me and my mother."

Wiping a traitor tear away, he continued. "A few months later, we found out that he was living on the streets. Not only that, but that he had killed himself."


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