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Tyler's P.O.V

That's strange.

Wendy didn't come to school today.

Today of all days.

After she had promised to be by my side today on my first day of school since the coma.

We were also supposed to announce to everyone that we're dating.

Did she not come because she's chickening out of the announcement?

Is she ashamed of me?

I could feel anger rise up inside of me so I decided to push these thoughts to the back of my mind.

Maybe she's sick.

But she sounded fine last night over the phone.

The least she could have done was drop me a text to tell me that she's not coming. Sure, I would have still been angry but at least I'd know.

School eventually ended and I decided to go check on her at her house.

Halfway there I realised that this was a suicide mission because if her parents, especially her dad, were at home, I was dead meat since they banned me from seeing her.

Not to mention her dad literally threatened me.

I decided that I will tell them that Wendy has my History textbook or something, if they're home.

I can't go a day without seeing my girl, no matter her parents or how angry I am.

I saw multiple vehicles that looked like police cars as I turned a corner in Wendy's street.

The closer I got, the more cars with flashing blue and red lights I could see.

My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach when I realised that those police trucks, were parked in Wendy's yard.

Wild scenarios clammed up my head and soon my legs started sprinting over to her house.

There was a mini crowd standing around the gate. What scared me the most was seeing multiple news reporters surrounding the house.

Why the hell would there be news reporters here?

I tried barging in the gate but a police officer stopped me.

"Please, I need to speak to Wendy." I begged.

"And you are?" The cop asked.

I hesitated. "Her boyfriend."

His eyebrows shot up. "Haven't you heard the news?"

I could feel my legs getting numb. "What news?"

"I'm sorry but...she's missing. We believe that she has been kidnapped."

I didn't believe him. "What?"

He nodded. "We believe, last night."

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