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* same day *

10 minutes before we meet up.

I better get going.

I tied up my shoelaces and threw on a jacket.

There's an unusual cold front today.

I began getting worried. There's a lot of shade in the park. What if Wendy doesn't come with a jacket, thinking it's warmer there?

I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

I went out the house and locked the door.

It's a 5 minute walk from my house to the park.

Once I arrived, I sat on a swing and patiently waited for Wendy.

And by 'patiently', I mean I nerve wreckingly awaited Wendy.

Anxiousness began settling in. What if she changed her mind? What if she regrets yesterday and wishes to never see me again? What if she -

Oh, there she is.

And she's wearing a jacket.

I felt my muscles relax and a silent breath of relief slip out.

She looks hot.

Why had I never noticed how hot she is before?

She spotted me by the swing and came over.

"Hey." I said, hugging - more like squeezing - her.

"Hi." She smiled once we pulled back.

It was like a shy smile.

She sat down the swing next to me and looked down on her shoes.


"Yeah?" She answered as timid as a mouse.

I looked at her strangely for a second, before asking, "Since when are you shy?"

She playfully rolled her eyes and looked the other way.

I got off my swing and stood in front of hers.

I went down to her level and cupped her head towards my direction. I planted a soft and slow kiss on her tender lips before pulling away.

"Did that cure your shyness?" I whispered against her lips.

She nodded, looking like she was in a trance or something.

"Good." I smirked, standing up and going back to my swing.

"Tyler!" She threw a piece of balled paper at me.

I successfully ducked it and laughed.

She playfully pouted and folded her arms.

"What? Does Wendy want a little kiss-y?" I said in those voices people use when speaking to babies.

"Yes, Wendy wants a little kiss-y." She replied, sticking her tongue out.

This made me realise something. Most girls who are like 1 or 2 years older than me, always seem to think they're adults compared to us.

But Wendy?

Here she is, sticking out her tongue like a 5 year old.

Most people her age consider it "childish" or "immature".

I don't think I can lo- like Wendy more than I do right now.

"Well, come and get it." I dared.

"Maybe I will." She said, getting up.

To be honest, that surprised me a little. I didn't think she'd actually come.

"Get up." She commanded.

I gladly obliged.

She took my hand and pulled me to a nearby bench.

She sat me down before climbing on top of me.

She strategically avoided putting her body weight on me somehow but instead put her body on my crotch.

My crotch immediately stood up.

I saw Wendy smirk before placing her lips on top of mine. Our lips moved in perfect synchronisation before she deepend the kiss.

She bit my lip, asking for entrance and I gladly granted it.

Her tongue worked wonders inside my mouth with sparks of fire erupting between our locked lips.

Our hands were all over each other's hairs and bodies.

Her hands were roaming my upper body and I could tell she wanted this jacket I was wearing, off.

My hands got to her butt and squeezed her jiggly bum. I wanted those jeans off.

Overall, it was very thrilling to have Wendy in control like this.

The kiss got really, really intense to the point of us running out of breaths.

That's the only reason why we pulled back.

I would kiss her forever if I could.

She layed her head in the crook of my neck and took steady breaths.

"That was one hell of a kiss-y." I commented with a smile I was sure she could not see because her eyes were literally covered by my neck.

She chuckled. "Well, you did say I should come and get it. That's exactly what I did." She shrugged.

Another smile made its way onto my lips.

I took an extremely long breath. This is it.

"Wendy...Will you please give me the honour of being my girlfriend?"


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