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"The times have changed a bit because the matriculants are writing a 3 hour paper today." The invigilator of the day informed us. "Study time will be added by 20 minutes extra wherelse lunch break will be extended by 30 more minutes."

Soft bursts of joy were heard throughout the class.

We took our books out and began studying.

40 minutes later, I was beyond done studying.

I might lose it if I cram up one more definition.

Besides, I did study last night.

In usual occasions, study time is 50 minutes so I usually push myself to study throughout for a full 40 minutes, before resting my brain for the remaining 10 minutes before lunch break.

Now there's 30 freaking whole minutes left before lunch break.

My body and brain has become accustomed to studying for 40 minutes, that studying beyond that, becomes practically impossible for me.

I lay my head on my arms and hope that maybe, just maybe, time will go faster today.

But of course, time and I are not really friends and when I looked up, I discover that only 4 minutes have passed.

I patiently wait for another 6 minutes in false hope of the lunch break's bell ringing, providing that the invigilator was wrong.

But nope.

7 minutes pass and not even a faint 'ting' of the bell rings. I mentally groan in frustration and bury my head into my arms.

About 15 minutes later, I sit up glancing at the clock.

4 minutes left.

My heart bursts with joy although my face lacks in showing it.

The fat girl turns around to put her books in her bag when her eye immediately meets with mine.

She oddly looks away quickly and turns around.

Not even 5 seconds later, she turned back around to specifically look at me.

I don't know why, but my eyes stayed glued to hers.

She eventually turned around but I didn't see her cheeks widen.

2 minutes later, the bell I've been eagerly waiting for the past 30 minutes finally rang, but however instead of excitement overwhelming me, I was quite disappointed.


After what felt like eternity, the bell signalling the end of lunch break finally rang, and for the first time ever, I couldn't be happier.

Ironic how I was forcefully wishing for lunch break to come and now that it's here and it's ending, I am very glad.

Maybe it's because of the fact that the fat girl didn't smile after we stared at each other like she usually does or it's probably the exams stressing me out.

I'll go with the latter. It's probably the exams.

But whilst thinking about all of this, I couldn't help but notice the faster pace my feet were walking at to get to class and the unwanted urge of seeing the fat girl's eyes again.

Realizing the reason behind my sudden fast pace, I abruptly slowed down my pace to a minimum.

Finally arriving at class, I discovered that everyone had already entered.

The Fat Girl Somehow Stole My HeartWhere stories live. Discover now