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For a long time, Wendy was stunned.

She didn't move nor look like she was breathing.

I can imagine what a shocker it must have been.

She opened her mouth as if to say something, but closed it a second later.

After a while, she finally said something. "I know I have already asked this today but I have to ask again - Are you okay?"

Like before, it wasn't a casual question or one asking about my current state of mind.  She was asking if I, as a whole being, was okay.

I humourlessly chuckled. I knew it was not the time to laugh, but I honestly felt like chuckling.

With a broken smile on my face, I answered. "No Wendy. I'm not okay. I never have been. Probably never will be."

She came closer to me and engulfed me in an unexpected bear hug. My face was resting on her stomach while her head was resting ontop of my head.

For a long while, we held onto each other desperately, almost as if our lives were depending on each other.

I felt her tears drip down my face. I looked up at her and found streams of tears spilling down. It was at that moment I saw the love Wendy had for me shining through her.

Her crying made me shed more tears. So basically, we were having a tearful fiesta.

"I love you so much Wendy," I said through blurry eyes. "I honestly didn't mean for any of this to happen to you. If I had known me being with you would end up harming you, I would have rather sacrificed our love then let anything happen to you. I need you to forgive me."

Rather than wiping the tears away from her own eyes, she wiped mine first. After that, she placed a soft kiss on my lips.

No words could ever describe that moment.

That moment Wendy kissed me for the first time in what felt like a million months.

That moment that told me more than words could ever.

That moment where I saw hope, love and forgiveness in my future. The future she was telling me she was going to be in.

"I love you too Tyler," She whispered through bloodshot eyes. "I love you too."

For the rest of the day, we slept in my bed cuddled next to each other. Her face and palms were resting onto my chest as my arms covered her now almost-petite body.

It was heaven on Earth.

I have never, in my entire years as a human on Earth, felt so much peace and contentment.

I felt whole. I felt like everything I needed to survive was right in my arms. I didn't need water or food, just her.

It was at that moment the realisation that Wendy was my soulmate set in.

She woke up a few minutes after me as the sun set. She looked adorable looking around the room, blinking multiple times with swollen eyes. I could tell that momentarily, she had forgotten she was in my room.

She looked up at me, her eyes seeming wider than usual.

"You're beautiful." I randomly said.

She blushed and looked down. She placed her head back on my chest and wrapped her arms around my waist tightly.

My heart turned into goo.

For some reason, she reminded me of an adorable new-born puppy.

"So..." She trailed off, making the moment awkward.

I simply looked at her and chuckled.

"I just made this awkward, didn't I?" She looked like she was mentally face-palming herself.

I nodded, my smile never leaving my face.

"Okay then." She mirrored my smile.

After a while of comfortable silence, she broke it. "So how's the weather?" 

I couldn't help but burst out laughing. For a solid two minutes, I was in a fit of laughter.

I didn't understand why Wendy was trying to make a conversation because it was honestly not necessarily but her attempt was funny.

"Why do you want to conversate?" I asked her.

She shrugged. "I don't know. I don't want you to feel like this is awkward because it honestly isn't for me. So I'm trying to make us both comfortable."

"That's sweet but as much as this isn't awkward for you, it isn't for me also."

"Oh," She replied.

"Besides, I'm inside the room also so how would I know how the weather is?"

This time, she physically face-palmed.

Her phone buzzed underneath the sheets. She found it and opened up the notification.

It was a text from her mother. Actually, it was one of the 17 texts her mother had sent her for the past 4 hours she was here. Not to mention the 9 missed calls.

"Shit," She exclaimed after reading the texts. "I didn't tell my mom I was leaving the house. I need to go." She quickly got up and put her shoes on.

"Wendy, wait." I quickly got up and went to my cupboard.

I took out a velvet wrapped, medium sized box with her name on it.

I placed it in her hands delicately as I watched her get teary-eyed once again.

"Happy birthday Wendy," I said, smiling down at her.


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