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"No, it's not." She said firmly, not even a second after I had said the heartbreaking words.

"I'm sorry but-"

"Don't apologise. You have no reason to because it's not over."

"Wendy, I know-"

"I know that you're breaking up with me because of my parents. I heard the conversation."

"Then you know why we have to break up."

"Don't make me laugh out loud babe. We're not texting. And wipe those tears off your face, they don't suit you."

In a state of shock over Wendy's unexpected reaction, I unawaringly did wipe my tears off my eyes.

"Wonderful. Now, sit back down." She gestured towards the swing.

I did as I was told and was about to say something, when all of a sudden she sat on top of me, facing towards me.

Her shirt was low neck, so half of her cleavage was out.

She put her hands on top of my shoulders and rested her head in the crook of my neck.

Now, her cleavage was on full display for me.

I could feel my mouth threatening to drool.

Oh wait, I actually did drool 'cause I heard her giggle.

She started trailing sloppy, wet kisses down the side of my neck and up my jaw but never touched my lips.

Though the kisses down my neck felt humongously good, all I desired at that moment was her lips on mine.

She started leaving soft bites all over my neck before she got to the crook of my neck and bit me hard.

Extremely hard.

That was painful but at the same time blissful.

The moan that came out was unintentional and uncontrollable.

"Don't do that." She said in between kisses.

"Do what?" I asked in between breathes.

"Moan like that. It massively turns me on."

This girl was driving me crazy.

She continued trailing kisses and soft bites all over my face, all the while purposely avoiding my lips.

This was blissful torture.

"B-babe, if you continue doin-g this t-to me, I am not responsible for what I-I'll do next." I breathed out.

"Do what you have to do," She seductively whispered in my ear.

That's when I lost it.

I was so glad that she refused to break up.

All of a sudden, before I could do anything further, one side of the swing went down as if it was falling. We looked up and saw that the chain had snapped halfway, and if we did one more motion, it will completely snap and break.

We quickly got off the swing and went to the nearby bench.

I had completely forgotten we were on a swing to be honest.

We sat down next to each other on the bench.

"Where were we?" I patted my lap, symbolising to her to come sit back on my lap.

She smirked. "The moment is gone, besides I just wanted to show you what you would be missing out on if you broke up with me."

Clever girl.

"But my lips...You never kissed my lips." I frowned.

"Kissing is overrated." She chuckled and shrugged.

"We'll see about that." I tickled her sides as she burst out into hysterical laughter.

She got up and was about to run away when I grabbed her and continued tickling her in my arms.

She burst out into more fits of laughter as she begged me to stop while yelling 'kissing is not overrated'.

This was heaven.

Seeing her laughing so much and happy.

It made me happy.

I stopped tickling her and turned her around in my arms as she put her hands on my shoulders.

I put my hand around her waist as we stared each other lovingly and wordlessly.

She was perfect. Every inch of her was perfect.

I couldn't believe that such a beautiful girl was mine.

All mine.

And I was all hers.

I loved her so fricking much.

That was the moment that I realised that I would kill for this girl.

Little did I know that several days later, I might actually have had to literally kill someone for her.


The Fat Girl Somehow Stole My HeartWhere stories live. Discover now