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5 years later.

Wendy's P.O.V

"What is inside?"

"Honey, the key to finding out is to open the present." My mom lightheartedly said sarcastically.

It was Christmas evening and everyone had just finished opening all their presents. It was now my turn.

I unwrapped my present and discovered a brand new laptop inside.

I have been begging my parents for a new one and finally, I got it. I was ecstatic.

My old laptop was getting pretty slow and as I was now a college student, I couldn't afford to have a slow laptop.

In the midst of thanking my parents for the laptop, I decided to thank them for also giving me life. Since my country didn't celebrate Thanksgiving, we usually reflected back on our blessings over the years on Christmas.

I thought back to the past few years and became filled with emotions when I thought about how my parents have been my strength throughout everything, especially after Tyler left.

Life was hard. Life was unbearable.

It was horrible knowing that I was not good enough for someone to stay for.

It was shattering to see someone you loved more than you loved yourself walk out of your life and throw away everything you two had ever had.

Everything he had said the day before he left made sense. I was just too blind and trusting of him to see it.

It had hurt me to know that Tyler didn't trust me enough to tell me how unfulfilled he was feeling.

It scared me that if Tyler could keep from me something he felt so strongly about that he had to run away in order to achieve it, what more was he keeping from me.

Eventually I got over it. I got over him.

It took me a few years but finally, I was over him.

It didn't feel like my throat was closing up everytime somebody mentioned Tyler anymore.

It didn't feel like a stab to my heart everytime memories of him and I made a flashback slideshow in my mind.

My legs didn't feel numb everytime I walked or drove past his house anymore.

My blood didn't boil with anger everytime I thought about what I went through because of him anymore. 

I was over him. Finally.

I was free. And, I could be happy again.

So I moved on with my life.

I could finally remove the ring he had placed into my finger and move on with my life.

My family headed to the sitting room to have Christmas dinner.

My mom, as always, outdid herself and that's one of the reasons I gained back a bit of weight.

My mom's food is always scrumptious and I always want seconds. I'm not as big as I was before but I'm a little chubby now.

As everyone praised my mom for her delicious food, the doorbell rang.

"Is anyone expecting visitors?" My dad asked.

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