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"I...I don't know what to say." She stuttered a bit, clearly still in shock.

"Of course you don't." I rolled my eyes, feeling a sudden urge to be cold to her.

Maybe it's a defence mechanism, I don't know.

"Excuse me?" She incredulously exclaimed.

"You want me to excuse you? With pleasure, you know your way home." I pointed in the direction of her house.

She stared at me, shocked. I expected her to scream at me next, asking me what the fuck is going on with me but she didn't.

She turned around and began walking away without saying another word.

That's when my senses flew back into me.

"Wendy!" I called out to her.

As expected, she ignored me.

This is becoming a way too familiar scene. I really need to stop fucking things up between us.

She glanced back at me for a second before realising how close I was to catching up to her.

And then she did the unexpected.

She ran.

She actually ran.

Never in a million years did I think I'd see Wendy run.

But it became a bittersweet moment when I realised she was running away from me.

I don't care either way because I will still catch up to her and I will talk to her.

"Wendy! You can run but you can't hide!" I shouted as I became closer and closer to catching up to her.

Her eyes widened as she looked back and realised how close I was to her.

All of sudden, she collided with a stranger.

The collision stumbled them both back.

"I'm so sorry," I heard Wendy say. "I wasn't looking where I wa- David!" She gasped.

The stranger only then looked up. "Wendy," He also gasped.

I guess he isn't a stranger.

"It's been such a long time," 'David' said, looking completely mesmerised.

I slowed my pace down in an attempt to observe what was going on.

"Yes, it has." Wendy slowly responded, gazing into this guy's eyes.

He looks around 21 or 22. Maybe he's Wendy's relative or family friend.

He's looks too old to be Wendy's ex or anything.

"I've missed you so much." The guy said, grabbing Wendy's waist and pulling it to her.

Woah, woah, woah. What the fuck is going on here?

I was about to march over there when I saw Wendy's arms curl around his neck.

What the fuck is happening?

They had a long hug that lasted for a couple of minutes but felt like hours to me.

And then they started whispering into each other's ears.

Did Wendy forget about me? Did she forget that I was chasing her?  Or is she doing this on purpose?

Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse,

She kissed him.

Yes. Wendy kissed another man in front of my eyes after I had just told her I'm falling for her.

Congratulations Wendy, you did it.

You fucking broke me. 


A/N: Wendy's P.O.V up next!

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