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Wendy's P.O.V

* same day *

"What do you mean he's gone?" I asked, not believing at all the first thought that came to mind after they said that.

They didn't answer me. But their faces told me all that I needed to know.

"No," I shook my head, refusing to believe it, "Is this some kind of a sick joke?"

They furiously shook their heads. "We wouldn't make a joke about something like this."

"No!" I screamed at them. "He is not dead! No!" I refused as tears threatened to spill out my eyes.

Their eyes widened. "No, no, no. He is not dead. Wait, don't cry." They shushed me, trying to keep me from crying.

"He's not dead?" I looked at them confused, through a blurred vision because of my tears.

"No, he is not. We meant that he's gone into a coma. Not gone, as in dead." They explained.

I almost collapsed to the ground in relief.

"Thank you God." I whispered as I released a breath I didn't realise I was holding.

The relief was short lived as the second thing they had said dawned on me.

"Excuse me, HE IS IN A COMA?" I asked, panic slowly seeping in. 

They nodded.

"WHY?" I saw a couple of passing people look at me like I was crazy but I didn't care.

My Tyler was in a coma.

"He has alcohol poisoning."

"Alco-," I couldn't even say it.

I felt dizzy for a second as everything processed in my brain.

Tyler is in a coma?

Alcohol poisoning?

"Oh my word, is he going to be okay? How is he doing? Is it serious?" I fired question after question once the seriousness of this situation had finally sank in.

"We don't know yet. We were told by a neighbour who saw us knocking at Tyler's house yesterday," The tall one explained. "Tyler's mom hasn't come home since he was admitted. She had called the neighbour to ask her to keep an eye out on her house."

"Well, aren't you going to visit him at the hospital?" I questioned.

"Of course we ar-"

"I'm coming with you. When? Today right? After school?" I asked hopeful.

I don't think I will make it to tomorrow if I don't see Tyler today.

"Yeah," they nodded. "Right after school ends."

I also nodded. "Where shall we meet? At the gate?"

They nodded.


Took school long enough to end.

"You ready?" The taller one, named Jared, asked as we got out the cab that dropped us off at the hospital.

He's quite cute but is greatly shorter than me though he is taller than the other one.

You can only imagine how much shorter the other one is.

I actually feel like they're my little brothers I literally just met. Probably because of their height. And how fast we've grown close.

Tyler is a lot taller than me, despite his age.

I sometimes forgot that Tyler was younger than me because of how tall he was.

You could never te-

"Wendy?" Jared snapped me out of my thoughts. "Hello?" He waved his hand in front of me.

"Oh hey, right. I am as ready as I'll ever be." I said.

He nodded as Deandre, the shorter one, stepped into step with us.

We reached reception and asked for directions to Tyler's room.

Once we got to the outside of his room, it only dawned on me then that Tyler is in hospital and in a coma.

He needs me and I need to be there for him.

I determinedly barged through the doors, only to stop dead in my tracks a few moments later.


There she was, lying on Tyler's chest, wrapped inside his hospital blankets with his hand intertwined with hers.

That was when my sad reality sank in.

He doesn't need me. He needs her.


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