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* same day *


That was the response I got from Wendy.

Absolute silence.

I'll probably die any second from anxiousness.

After about 200 years or so, she decided to speak, "Excuse me?" She asked.

Of course, 'Excuse me' will be the first thing she says after I had just gotten a nervous breakdown.

"You are excused. Anyway, where were we?" I tried changing the subject.

"No, no, no. What did you just ask me?" She put her hands on my shoulders in urgency.

I even forgot she was still on me.

"I asked you nothing. Forget about it." I hardened my voice and cleared my face of all emotions.


"Because. Now get off me!" I spat.

The look that clouded her eyes when I said that, almost broke me.

She hurriedly got off me and I quickly reached out to grab her hand to apologise.

"Don't touch me!" She hissed with the same amount of venom I used when I told her to get off.

"Wendy, I-"

"Do not say my name." She declared in a voice so deep and low, I almost missed it.

She closed her eyes for a second. When they reopened, her face was rid of any emotion.

"Bye Tyler." She said as she turned around and walked away. She was probably walking away from my life too.

But will I let her? Of course not.

I ran after her and touched her shoulder in an attempt to stop her.

She shrugged it off very quickly, as if it burned her then turned around.

"I am not going to tell you again. You dare touch me one more time..." She warned.

She was about to turn around when I swiftly grabbed her waist and pulled her towards me, completely ignoring her warning.

I kissed her for a second before she pulled back.

She slapped me.

She actually flipping slapped me and it was a hard, painful slap.

She then pulled my head down and kissed me.

I was so confused but kissed her back anyway. I'd never miss an opportunity to kiss Wendy simply because I'm confused.

The kiss got more passionate by the second so I pushed her against a tree to roam her properly.

I squeezed her butt tight and she squealed a little in the kiss.

"I like that." She whispered in my between the kiss.

That massively turned me on.

"So you wouldn't mind if I did this?" I broke the kiss for a second to show her what I wanted to do.

I slipped my hand inside the back of her jeans.

Her eyes widened but she was still smiling.

I traced my hands along the lines of her panty and kissed her again.

Soon, she broke the kiss and said, "Why don't you put them beyond the panty?" She bit her lip.

My eyes widened as I answered, "Gladly," before I continued tracing sloppy kisses down her neck.

While doing so, my hands slipped inside her panty and squeezed her jiggly butt tighter than before.

I could honestly do this all day.

I got to the crook of her neck and was about to bite, when someone called her name.

Actually, not someone, somepeople.


A/N: This chapter honestly ended earlier than planned so sorry for that. :(

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