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A/N: This is actually the original chapter 21 but a few of ya'll read the previous chapter 21 and it claimed that it was the end. I am so sorry for confusing you but that is not the end and if you have read it, please do FORGET it as it's not how the story was supposed to go so I decided to extend it. This story won't necessarily end like the previous chapter 21 nor will it end anytime soon. :)

So sorry for any inconvenience caused.


I honestly don't know what I was thinking.

I let my emotions take control of me and now I'm reaping what I sowed.

Maybe I need to get my head checked. My mom probably dropped me accidentally as a child.

I should have expected this. I mean what did I expect after telling her I'm falling for her but getting a new girlfriend the next day?

Yup, I'm definitely an idiot.

To top it off, I had the audacity to tell her my new girlfriend was skinnier and prettier than her.

Skinnier, sure but prettier? Not a chance.

Tammy has got nothing on Wendy.

Sad thing is, she believed it.

Part of me hoped she'd see right through me and know I didn't mean it.

But she chose to accept Tammy as my new girlfriend without putting up a fight.

A fight for me.

Maybe she was too broken to fight.

It haunts me.

The broken look on her face - It haunts me.

It keeps replaying in my head. The more she appears in my mind, the more I seem to lose it.

I took another huge gulp of my vodka bottle as I welcomed the burning sensation down my throat.

"Nice to meet you," She forced out a polite smile at Tammy. "Take care of him."

Tammy, who looked uncomfortablely confused, nodded.

"Let me not disturb you guys any further. Goodbye Tyler." She sadly said as her gaze on me lingered for a second longer.

Something about the way she said the last part made it sound so final.

Maybe it is final. Maybe she's saying goodbye to me, forever. 

Tears started spilling from my eyes as all of our memories rushed into my head like a flood.

It's been 3 days since this whole thing happened.

3 days since I had lost my Wendy.

3 days of alcohol being the only thing I'm consuming.

More specifically, vodka.

I'm sure this is not good, but who cares anyway?

Wendy certainly doesn't. Or well, she used to but I screwed it up as I always do. Nothing new.

Just like I screwed Natasha and her whole family up.

All of a sudden, happy memories of Wendy and I were replaced by the gruesome memories I had tried so hard to bury.

I just had to undig them, didn't I?

Police lights, everywhere.

Sirens all over.

What had I done?

I put the glass bottle down because my body started shaking uncontrollably as flashbacks of that horrible night consumed me.

"Why did you do this to me?" Natasha screamed at me in a bloodcurling tone. "Why?" She wailed as a police officer tried to hold her back from attacking me.

I stood there, unable to mutter a single word to her. It was like shock had taken over my whole body making it impossible for me to talk.

"I trusted you!" She cried as the cop started dragging her away from me. "How could you do this me?"

"I'm sorry," was what I wanted to say but no words could leave my mouth.

Natasha finally got out of the grip of the police officer and threw herself to the ground.

"I don't understand why," She whispered as she kneeled in front of me. "What had I ever done to you?"

Despite the loud sirens and commotion around us, I could hear every word she was saying and feel every pain out of each word she desperately whispered.

All of a sudden, I found myself unable to breath as I desperately gasped for air.

I felt like I was suffocating and there was nothing I could do about it.

I stopped trying to grasp for air and instead laid down on my bed and closed my eyes, waiting for whatever must happen, to happen.

The last thought I remembered having before slipping into eternal darkness, was that I deserved to die anyway.


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