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Wendy's P.O.V

"No, you hang up." I said to Tyler over the phone after we've been speaking for over an hour.

'Ladies first.' He replied.

"Very original." I sarcastically said, rolling my eyes.

'You just rolled your eyes, didn't you?' He chuckled.

He knows me so well.

"Duh. But fine, I'm hanging up. Goodnighty. Love you." I made kissing sounds over the phone.

'But wait, I didn't-' I heard him say before I pressed the 'end' button.

If what he wanted to say was important, he'll call back.

He was probably going to say something cheesy anyway.

I got inside my bed duvets with a smile at how great my life was, at the moment, because of my boyfriend.

My cute boyfriend.

Things have been perfect between us the last couple of days since he almost broke up with me.

I closed my eyes for a few minutes before I heard a small bang close to my window outside.

My eyes popped open as I layed still, awaiting to hear the sound again.

For a few minutes, there was no sound before I remembered that I left my window open because it's so hot.

It was probably a rock thrown by the wheels of a passing car. Because the window was open, it sounded closer than it actually was.

Relaxing due to relief, I closed my eyes for approximately 10 minutes before I felt a soft material touch my lips, followed by heavy pressure.

I soon realised that these were large hands over my mouth and my eyes flew open.

I saw a gigantic man dressed in black on top of me, shoving a thin piece of cloth that smelled like strong chemicals, up my nose.

I tried screaming for help, but my screams were muffled because his hand was blocking my screams.

I started kicking while attempting to scream but very soon felt weak.

In a second, I had no more strength left to kick or even scream and I felt myself getting numb.

A darkness darker than my room was pulling me in and soon, I gave in.

The last thing I remembered before slipping into my torturous doom was hearing the man say,

"Welcome to your hell."


*few hours later*

"Wake up." I felt someone violently shaking me.

I didn't have the strength to wake up so I ignored the person.

"You said the effects of the chemicals will wear off in a couple of hours." An unfamiliar female voice screamed. It was the same voice that tried waking me up.

"Yes boss. The effects take a maximum of 3 hours to wear off. After that, it's up to the person whether they want to wake up or not. It's been 6 hours. She definitely heard you." A distinctily familiar male voice said.

"Wake up bitch!" All of a sudden, I felt a strong, painful jab hit my gut.

My eyes snapped open as I desperately inhaled for breath.

After receiving as much air as I could, my mind recalled last night's events and I soon realised that this wasn't a dream.

I have been kidnapped.

I eerily looked up and to my surprise, saw a girl no older than I was.

She was probably my age, if not one or two years younger.

Her hair was long, midnight black and straightened. She had on a black, skin-tight jumpsuit, paired with brown wedges.

Her face was oval and her nose was perfectly sculptured. She had bright green eyes which contrasted to her pale skin tone.

She was gorgeous. Like model gorgeous.

What in the world did she want from me?

She was hovering over me, an annoyed look on her face so I assumed that she was the one who just kicked my gut.

I have never seen her before and she doesn't look at all familiar. Why would she do this to me?

"Finally, you decide to grace us with your consciousness." She sarcastically said.

"W-Who are you?" My voice came out hoarse but I kept speaking nonetheless. "What do you want from me?"

I looked down and realised that I was on the floor, with only a thin blanket beneath me.

I looked around and found that I was in a small room made of wood, with only a bed and a small picture of a mountain to the side.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"Somewhere you will never be found." The girl smirked.

"Why?" Tears started streaming down my eyes. "What do you want from me?" I sat up straight in order to properly beg for my life. "Who are you? Do you want money? My family has money."

The girl laughed.

But not a funny laugh. Or a laugh out of humour.

But an evil laugh.

At such a young age, she had mastered an actual evil laugh.

"I don't want your money." She said as she went and sat down the bed, which was situated parallel to me.

"Then what do you want? And who are you?" I begged in desperation.

She stood up.

"My name is Natasha and what I want is Tyler. The only way to get him, would be to kill you." She wickedly smiled. "And that's exactly what I intend to do."


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