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Man, I hope she allows me to kiss her again today.

My lips are eager to connect with hers once more.

I arrived early again today, for no specific reason.

Sunken in my seat at the back of the class, I saw her enter. Surprisingly, her eyes flickered to mine for a second before quickly looking away.

I sat up as a smirk made it's way on my face.

Its been a while since she acknowledged my presence in class.

After the invigilator announced the announcements of the day, she turned around and took out her books when her eyes flickered to mine again.

She quickly looked away whilst my smirk grew wider to the fact that I'm now always blocking her attempts to admire my handsome-ness.

I shook my head lightly in amusement and began studying.


It's lunch break and I somehow managed to convince my friends to greet the fat- her friends.

I mentally congratulated myself on my persuasion skills.

We were near to passing them and they still haven't noticed us.

I saw one of her friends about to turn their head in our direction when she stopped her.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Is she stopping them from looking at me? Did she perhaps tell them about the kiss?

I told her not to tell anyone.

Grinding my teeth together in frustration, I ignoringly passed her and her friends, earning confused looks from my friends who I specifically told to greet the fa- her friends.

I rolled my eyes and offered no explanation for my sudden change of heart.

"Didn't you want us to greet them?" Marcus asked me.

"I decided it's best that we don't. They might start thinking we're friends." I failed to look at Marcus. He might notice I'm lying if I look him in the eye although I am, generally, a good liar.

He shrugged and continued the conversation with the other 3 friends of ours.

If she told her friends about our kiss then she needs to be punished, and I got just the perfect punishment.



uring writing she glanced at me but I gave her the stink eye.

Before I could see her reaction, I looked down on my paper and never looked at her once more the whole examination writing time.

Maybe she did continue staring at me in shock and confusion. Maybe she just shrugged and didn't care. Maybe she kept glancing at me occasionally in hopes of meeting my eye.

The invigilator took the papers in once the time was up and I couldn't help but feel her eyes boring into my face, begging me to look at her.

Of course I didn't, as this was part of her punishment.

She immediately stood up once the final bell rang and I had to put my things in my bag in a rush to catch up to her.

I pulled her hand without her permission once we were outside and dragged her to the side.

The Fat Girl Somehow Stole My HeartWhere stories live. Discover now