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A week and one day.

It has been a whole week and a day of Wendy ignoring me.

She has not uttered a single word to me since she told me it was over. She passes me by like I don't exist. She doesn't even spare a glance at me.

The first and second day after she broke things off, I tried numerous times to apologise to her but she wouldn't hear none of it.

She would jerk my hand off or cause a silent scene just to get me to let go off her. Not once did she say a word to me.

People have been gossiping, pointing and laughing at me. It did get to me at first but I've learnt to live with it.

I had to tell my friends everything that happened between us but I told them that I was just using her to 'experiment' on how it is to kiss a fat and older girl.

I told them that it meant nothing to me when it meant everything.

I wish I could say I'm not really affected by her ignoring me.

That I'm not even hurt or sad or angry at myself.

That I don't even care about her anymore just like she doesn't care about me.

That seeing her hug another guy doesn't break something inside me.

But to be honest, it has been complete torture. No matter how hard I denied it or tried ignoring her back I just couldn't.

Her blooming smile is engraved onto my mind. It's a bittersweet moment for me to see her smile, but not at me or for me.

I miss her.

I can't believe myself, but I actually do miss her.

A lot.

More than I should.

She's all I've been thinking about. I couldn't even focus while writing my exams this past week.

Today is the last day of exams then it's the holidays.

A 3 week holiday.

I should be complaining about how short it is but right now it seems so long.

3 weeks without seeing Wendy.

It's bad enough not being able to talk to her but not to even see her?

For 3 whole weeks?

I don't know if I can.

I'm going crazy thinking about this. Thinking about her. Why does she fucking drive me crazy even when she's not touching me?

I initially thought it was because her touch erupts sparks all over my body but now...

I need to do something.

She needs to talk to me. She needs to touch me.

The past few nights have been intense.

I've been having wet dreams about her.

It's my first time having wet dreams and to be honest, I never thought they would involve an older and chubby girl.

But strangely enough, I don't mind.

I just wish they would come true.

...Did I just?

Nope, I did not just think that.


It's now or never.

The Fat Girl Somehow Stole My HeartWhere stories live. Discover now