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"Askies." - [Excuse me.] I say to the much older guy that was blocking the way. If he was about my age, I'd have probably pushed him out of the way.

He quickly stepped out of the way and I found myself relieved that he wasn't those type that'd refuse to get out the way and try to put up a fight with you for no apparent reason just because they notice you're younger than them and know you have no chance against them.

There are actually people like that in this school.

It's lunch break and I'm making my way to the squad when I remembered that we decided to not walk around the school today but instead just chill at the stairs.

Once we finished greeting each other and they began talking about other stuff, I found my mind drifting back to this morning.

As I patiently await the invigilator, I can feel eyes boring into the back of my head.

I am a pretty arrogant guy so I refuse to give the person staring at me from behind the satisfaction of noticing them.

I instead look ahead and pretend like I don't feel his or her eyes burning the back of my head.

It takes a great amount of temptation resistance to not look at this person shamelessly boring his or her eyes into my skull.

She or he must genuinely think I can't feel their eyes trained at the back of my head.

The invigilator arrives a few minutes later and I have figured a plan to find out who this person is without flat out looking at her or him.

Everyone slowly enters the class as the invigilator opens it and I walk along with them when I abruptly stop by the door, knowing fully well it will catch this person behind me by surprise and he or she will accidentally bump into me.

To my surprise, I almost stumble over from the unexpected weight of this person who bumped into me. It is not a weight I was expecting to feel. It's a lot heavier.

Realisation then dawns on me.

There is only one overweight person in this class and it's that fat girl.

"Gosh, I'm so sorry." She quickly apologised and made her way inside the class.

I look behind me and find no one else left outside but me.

She was the one staring at me this whole time.

I get chills thinking about this.

In class, she didn't make eye contact with me once.

When she took out her books, she didn't even glance up. She kept her eyes strictly fixed to her bag.

Is she perhaps embarrassed?

I genuinely don't know nor should I care.

Lunch break ends and after saying my goodbyes to my friends, I make my way to class.

She hasn't arrived yet and I ghostly hoped she'd arrive early so that she has no choice but to make eye contact with me.

She arrived just as the invigilator arrived, opening the door for us to get in.

I went inside and took my seat and watched as she did the same, never glancing up when she put her lunch box in her bag and took out her utensils.

She must be avoiding my eyes. Must be.

An hour and 45 minutes later, I finally finish my last question on this difficult question paper.

This paper showed me flames. I probably ran my fingers through my hair at least 15 times.

I close the examination paper, not bothering to go through it again.

I bury my head into my hands as I think about the huge possibility of me failing this maths examination.

I'm screwed if I do.

I look up and surprisingly find the fat girl's eyes on me.

She doesn't look away but instead maintains her eyes on me and I find myself not being able to look away.

I swear a full minute passed before she did something unexpected.

She smiled.

At me.

I found myself recoiling in shock and unable to understand how I felt about this.

But what shocked me the most was discovering that my own lips had etched into a smile of their own in response to hers.


The Fat Girl Somehow Stole My HeartWhere stories live. Discover now