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I made sure to arrive extra early to class today.


To avoid the fat girl. Arriving early will help me avoid any contact with her whether it be physical or eye contact.

She was glued to my mind the whole weekend.

The softness of her lips, the way her lips entranced mine, the perfect synchronisation of our kiss, and everything else that had to do with the kiss.

Her eyes were begging me to do it on Friday. Sure, she denied ever doing actions that displayed her interest in me but her eyes told me all that I needed to know.

A few minutes after me, she walked in the classroom and took her seat. Surprisingly, she didn't make an attempt to look at me.

The invigilator announced the normal times of today and then the routine of taking out the books to study began.

She didn't glance up at me once.

Study break ended, her making no sort of contact with me whatsoever.

She stood up when the lunch break's bell rang and went out without even looking back at me.

Did what happen yesterday mean nothing to her?

I mean I should be the one ignoring her and acting as if nothing happened.

She should be the one asking herself if our kiss yesterday meant nothing to me.

Not the other way around.

With these thoughts circling my mind, my mood dappened.

I need to speak to her.

But what would I say? What would be my reason for speaking to her?

I hadn't noticed my feet were already walking on their own and it soon became clear where they were heading.

They were heading to the spot the fat girl stands at with her friends every lunch break.

Before I could even stop myself, I was already halfway there and they had already noticed my oncoming figure.

Before they could even react, I was already engaged in their presence.

"Uh, hello." I awkwardly greeted her friends.

"Hello." One said.

"Hi." The other two said.

The fat girl just remained quiet.

I directed my attention to her before asking, "Can I talk to you...in private?"

She nodded and excused herself from her friends.

We stood by the side before I crammed up.

How do I even begin?

"Yes?" She asked me.

"Ons moet praat oor gister." - [We must talk about yesterday.] I blurted out.

I momentarily forgot she's black and possibly doesn't understand Afrikaans like most black people don't.

"Okay...what about yesterday?" She replied.

To my welcomed relief and surprise, she does know Afrikaans.

But I refrained from showing her my relief and surprise on my face.

"It was a mistake, forget it about." I stated bluntantly.

She raised an eyebrow and shrugged, "Okay, cool."

I searched her eyes trying to find her true emotions about what I just said but I came up with nothing.

I nodded before my eyes accidentally trailed to her lips.

I mentally slapped myself and left.

I don't know how to feel about the fact that our kiss yesterday meant nothing to her.


I couldn't keep my eyes off her hunched back once I was finished writing my exam.

The softness of her lips on mine kept haunting my thoughts.

I need to feel those lips again.


Because she wrote her exam until the last minute before the final bell rang, we didn't and couldn't make eye contact.

Either way, I will lose it if those bouncy lips don't meet mine before I go home today.

I pulled her hand before she fully exited the class and asked to talk to her again.

"About what?" She asked.

I didn't answer her but instead led her to the spot I kissed her at yesterday.

"Yes?" She shrugged a shoulder, motioning for me to tell her why she's here.

Without uttering a single word to her, I smashed my lips against hers, satisfaction overwhelming me from doing what I desired to do the whole day.

She returned the kiss a second later and before I knew it, a great hunger for her lips consumed me.

I bit her bottom lip, requesting access and she granted it without hesitation.

My tongue explored her mouth before a fight of dominance between our locked tongues took place.

That turned me on even further and even though it was one hell of a fight, I won it.

I wanted more of her but I didn't want her. This sudden thought knocked my mind in the midst of our kiss.

I pulled back and stared at her through blank eyes.

I just kissed a fat girl. I didn't know how to feel about this but I had an idea of how I felt...and it wasn't a positive emotion.

"This stays between us." I said to her before I left her standing there, dumbfounded yet again.

But as reluctant as I was to admit it, this girl can kiss like nobody's business.


The Fat Girl Somehow Stole My HeartWhere stories live. Discover now