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The room Wendy was found in consisted of a single bed, a small picture of a mountain and nothing else, except a bucket placed awkwardly in the corner.

Since the room didn't have a toilet and she wasn't allowed to go outside, I can only assume what it was used for.

The cabinet was situated just before the country's border, in an isolated field, 550 kilometres (341 miles) away from home.

It was extremely small and claustrophobic since there was only one tiny window, high up the wall.

Wendy was found curled up on the floor, half-naked.

Her shirt was off and looked to have been thrown to the side.

She was wearing shorts her mother didn't recognise so the police assumed Natasha gave her new clothes to wear.

I was relieved that I did not go with the police that day to fetch Wendy because I would have surely broken down.

Call me weak, I don't care but I did not want to see where the love of my life was brutally kept captive and tortured for months.

It's painful enough looking at the pictures of the crime scene.

While I was anticipating Wendy's return, I expected explosions of happiness and gladness to erupt in me when I finally saw her.

But instead, my heart sank.

This was simply because the girl that was standing in front of me didn't look like Wendy at all.

Yes, it was Wendy but she looked completely different. Physically, mentally and emotionally.

Physically, she had lost a drastic amount of weight. Emotionally, she seemed broken beyond repair. Mentally, she was not even here.

Not to mention the bruises all over her body and the scars that were etched onto her wrists.

When she arrived home and saw me, she was emotionless. I ran to her and tried hugging her but she flinched away from me. She looked at me through blank eyes without uttering a single word.

After a long while consisting of us staring at each other, she moved past me and went to her room. Just like that.

After months of not seeing each other.

It has been two weeks since her arrival and I've been going to her house every single day but she refuses to see me. Actually, she refuses to see or talk to anyone.

The only time she talked was when she cried out, wanting - well, demanding - to see a guy named Michael.

After a long battle between her and her parents, her parents managed to convince her to talk to a psychologist about who Michael was so that they could bring him to her.

She told the psychologist that she was in love with Michael, who was the man who physically kidnapped her and kept an eye on her.

She said that he protected her from the numerous men Natasha bought to the cabinet.

Most of them wanted and attempted to rape her but for some strange reason, Michael fought them off. She added that Natasha didn't care what the men did to her so she wasn't the one who told Michael to protect her.

She claimed that Natasha didn't even know Michael was defending her.

The men Natasha bought consisted of illegal doctors, drug dealers, bodyguards, men Natasha hired to specifically harm her, etc.

The illegal doctors injected Wendy with needles that prevented her from going on her periods and the drug dealers supplied Natasha with drugs to sedate Wendy when she was hysterical.

During the days that Natasha was gone, she and Michael talked a lot and formed a "strong bond". She says she felt safe around him and trusted him wholeheartedly.

When he had to run away with Natasha because of the letter she sent to me, Wendy begged him to go with her. Though initially he had agreed, he realised that it would still be kidnapping and left her for her "own good".

One of the most shocking revelations that the psychologist revealed to us was that Wendy told her that Michael purposely gave her multiple opportunities to "escape". He would 'forget' to lock the door when he left the cabinet. Sometimes he would 'forget' his phone on her bed. He revealed their location to her. He did everything he could to allow Wendy to "escape" but she refused, simply because she wanted to stay and be with him.

As if my heart wasn't already shattered, the psychologist next asked her about her feelings for me.

"I feel absolutely nothing but hatred for that boy."


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