19 (part 2)

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A/N: This chapter starts where Wendy bumps into David.


Wendy's P.O.V

*same day*

"I'm so sorry," I quickly apologised without looking up. "I wasn't looking where I wa- David!" I gasped, once I realised who I was apologising to.

David only then looked up. "Wendy," He also gasped, once he realised it was me.

"It's been such a long time," David stated the obvious, seemingly looking at me admirably.

"Yes, it has." I slowly responded, gazing into his beautiful, warm,
brown eyes.

David and I met 5 months ago in the streets around his area.

I was walking around with my friends when I saw him across the street.

He looked really hot and I guess I felt courageous that day, so I said 'hey'.

Long story short, we talked and found chemistry between us. On the same day we kissed and promised to meet up some day soon again.

Though we talked almost everyday since that day on the phone, we never met up again and I got sick of him because he was always busy with his job therefore not giving me enough attention.

Yes, he had a job because he was an adult.

We were never official though, so I can't really call him an ex.

"I've missed you so much." David said, grabbing my waist with his strong arms and pulling me to him.

I had no other choice but to curl my arms around his neck because it became a really uncomfortable position leaving my arms loose on my sides.

He pulled me in for a hug, which I gladly let him engulf me in.

I love hugs.

It lasted for a couple of moments longer than necessary because David didn't want to let go of me.

I really hope I'm not giving him any ideas.

After he let go of me, he whispered in my ear, "You look really beautiful today."

"Thank you." I whispered back into his ear.

Why am I whispering back into his ear? I have no idea.

He smiled down at me for a couple of seconds before doing something totally unexpected.

He kissed me.

I was so shocked because I didn't expect that from him.

I mean even the first time we kissed, I was the one who initiated the kiss because he was too shy.

My eyes automatically shut as I was about to kiss him back when I remembered something.


Oh my word, Tyler! How could I forget about him?

I quickly pushed David off and looked for Tyler.

To my deflation, he was standing right there, looking directly at us, with...tears?

With flipping tears in his eyes.

No, no, no, what have I done?

"Tyler, wait!" I shouted but he had already sprinted the other way.

It's not what it looks like.


A/N: Shout out to EVERY SINGLE one of you who likes this book and occasionally comments. I appreciate ya'll so much, thank you. 💫

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