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Wendy's P.O.V

"You remembered," I whispered, shock evident on my face.

"I wouldn't forget your birthday even if I had amnesia."

I chuckled at how cheesy and medically incorrect his statement was.

"Thank you." I said to him, wiping away the traitor tear falling down my face.

His response was his killer smile that always had me feeling jiggly at the knees.

Sometimes, I couldn't believe Tyler was my boyfriend. He was literally everything I wanted in a guy and more.

Sure, I was older than him by a year but Tyler's maturity was beyond his age.

Yes, I was kidnapped because of him. Yes, I was tortured for months because of him. Yes, I lost weight unwillingly because of him. But yes, after all that I still love him.

The fact that he came to my house every single day and never gave up on me though my family made it clear we didn't want to see him, warmed my heart.

When I heard he stopped coming, I thought he had given up on me. But, it turned out his depression was back.

I just had to come see him even if it was my birthday. To be honest, I had actually forgotten it was my birthday when I arrived at his house.

"Should I open it here or. . .?" I questioned, completely forgetting that my mother just summoned me home.

"If you want to." His smile was unwavering.

I sometimes found it hypnotic.

I tore apart the beautiful, velvet wrapping and opened the light medium sized box. Inside it, was another smaller box.

I narrowed my eyes at Tyler as I unwrapped the smaller box and opened it.

Inside the smaller box was another tiny box and I almost punched Tyler in the face.

I settled for punching him in the shoulder, as I told him, "I swear if there's another box inside here, I'm out."

He produced my favorite sound in the world, which was his laugh.

I opened the tiny box written American Swiss on the top.

The box was rectangular and American Swiss sold mineralic jewellery so I assumed it was a necklace or bracelet. 

I almost toppled over in shock when I opened it and discovered it was a ring.

A diamond ring.

I looked up, my mouth practically hanging on the floor, only to look down again and find Tyler on one knee.

I thought my heart would stop beating at that moment.

Has Tyler finally lost it?

We are way too young to get married.

"Wendy," He breathed as nervousness swooped in his body.

"Promise rings are bestowed to symbolize a promise one person makes to the other. With this ring I promise to remain faithful to you forever; to love you now if not until we're grey and older; to express my intentions of hopefully replacing this with an engagement ring one day; and to keep most of these promises I am making to you. Please accept this ring as a token of our love."

A fresh set of crystal tears brimmed my eyes once more. Not only at how sweet Tyler was being but with relief. I was sure I was going to go into cardiac arrest if he had asked me to marry him.

"Of course I accept this ring silly bear!" I pulled him up and hugged - well, squeezed - him.

"I love you." He said as he slipped the ring on my finger.

The ring was larger than my finger so it was loose.

He explained that he bought the ring when I still had chubby fingers before the kidnapping.

"Why didn't you give it to me sooner?"

"I felt like you would be creeped out because we were still in the early stages of our relationship. I wasn't sure if you were taking our relationship as serious as I was so I wanted to wait for the right moment."

I nodded in understanding.

I had never seen such a gorgeous promise ring before. It was an infinity loop decorated with white and pink diamonds on top.

No words could describe the beauty of this ring. None.

"Did you see the inside of the ring?" He asked, beaming in smiles.

I shook my head as I viewed the inside of the ring.

On it, the following words were engraved:

Forever yours, forever mine.

"It means that I'm forever yours and you are forever mine." He explained. "No matter what happens Wendy, I will always love you. Please, remember that. Wherever I may go, I will always carry you in my heart."

Worry settling in from his words, I opened my mouth in an attempt to question what he meant by that when the sound of my phone ringing cut me off.

It was my mom.

I had completely forgot I had to rush home.

Urgently placing the phone back in my pocket, I gave Tyler a quick hug and kiss and thanked him a million times for the ring on my way out.

Little did I know that'd be the last time I ever touch, kiss or even see him.

"I love you!" was the last thing I ever said to him.

Because later on that night I got a phone call from a distraught mother of Tyler telling me that he had packed his bags and run away. He left a note stating that he was never coming back.



A/N: This is the second last chapter. Next one is the final chapter!

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