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"What the-" I exclaimed, snapping my eyes open to the noise howling me out of my dream.

I noticed my phone lighting up and realised it was the damned alarm. I forgot to unset it.

I glanced at the time.

6 flipping AM.

I threw myself back inside my blankets and prayed that my sleep would come back.

But of course, once I'm awake I can't fall back into sleep so I'm forced to wake up.

But that doesn't mean I'm getting out of bed.

As I stared at the white ceiling, my mind drifted off to yesterday after school.

Wendy purposely led me on, only to say once we arrived at her gate, "I actually meant nobody is home but myself, the cleaner and my mom."

I almost exploded.

Meanwhile, she was laughing like there's no tomorrow.

I channeled my anger towards kissing her which ultimately led us to falling in a pool of mud.

But did that stop us?






You probably thought I was going to say 'No, it didn't', didn't you?

But honestly, it did. Wendy was shaking with anger and practically threw her dolls out the box.

What's worse was that some of the mud got into her hair which made her flip.

I legit felt like my life was in danger at that moment.

I swear, I saw smoke come out her ears.

But strangely enough, she looked freaking cute.

I tried taking a picture of her but she thought it was to ridicule her so she refused.

And by refuse, I mean she almost threw my phone in the mud.

By pure luck, I caught it before it fell into the mud.

Before my anger could arise, she quickly kissed me unexpectedly before breathlessly rumbling, "I am so sorry. I didn't mean to do that. I was just so angry and you wanted to take a pic of me like this. Technically it serves you right but I could never-"

Of course I did the thing that was rational at the moment and kissed her muddy mouth shut.

By the time we pulled back, I noticed that the mud in her hair was getting dry.

I figured that it might be harder to get it off when it's dry rather than then when it was wet so I reluctantly told her to go inside her house and wash it off.

But not before we made an 'appointment' to meet up today.

I am so happy that she lives within walking distance.

I cannot believe my lucky stars.

I thought she lived far from here meaning I would have had to hustle some money for transport to see her within these 3 weeks.

Luckily not.

Yesterday was amazing. Sure there was a few tears here and there, but everything worked out.

I can't believe yesterday actually happened.

We have a lot to talk about.

I don't know if we're going to date. I don't know if I want to date her. I don't know if she wants to date me.

I don't know how I feel about us dating.

I don't know anything.

I don't know why I'm on Earth. I don't know why I met her. I don't know why I think I feel more for her than just liking. I don't know why the Sun's rays takes approximately 8 minutes to arrive at Earth.

I don't know why we breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. I don't know why I had to like Wendy of all the girls in my school. I don't know why we only have 8 or 9 planets in our solar system.

I don't know why I don't know anything.

* next day *

"Tyler! Are you up?" Mom shouted from the kitchen.

We live in a small house so she doesn't even have to shout my name for me to hear her.

She could whisper and I would still hear her because the walls are thin and worn out. Also because literally every room is next to each other.

I comtemplated keeping quite and pretending to sleep. I really don't feel like people today except Wendy.

She's the only reason why I even planned to get out of bed today.

"Yes mom." I replied.

"I made breakfast, come eat."

I silently groaned. I didn't even feel like food.

"Ek kom." - [I'm coming.] I said, getting out of bed.

I grabbed my pants and put one leg in when I realised something.

I hopped back to view my bed to make sure.

I didn't have a wet dream last night.

I thought I would feel happy when they finally stopped but I don't.

It's a bittersweet moment.

I put my other foot in my pants, threw a shirt on and went to the kitchen.

"Morning, how did you sleep?" Mom asked as she handed me a plate of toast and eggs with a cup of coffee.

"Hi mom. I slept alright and you?" I took the plate and cup from her hands and smiled in gratitude.

I made my way to the sitting room, mom following suit.

"I slept well, thank you." She said as we sat on the couch.

I nodded and ate my breakfast.

Halfway through I noticed that she is not eating anything.

"Where's your food?" I asked as she scrolled through the few channels in our small TV.

"I'm not hungry." She replied as she quickly looked away.

She's lying.

"Mom, are you lying to me?"

She ignored me.

"Ma!" I screamed.

She jumped a little from shock before sighing. "Fine. We've run out of food Tyler. Again. There is only a little bit of food left and I am only getting paid in 5 days. The boss refuses to give me an advance so I have to conserve the little we have so that you can eat. I'm fine."

"No mom." I looked down on my food, "Take this. You've got to eat something. I've eaten enough. Really."

"No Tyl-"

"Mom please. I can't finish this food knowing that you haven't eaten anything." I pleaded.

She reluctantly nodded as I handed her my plate and cup of coffee.

Goddamn, I love this woman so much. Honestly don't know what I'd do without her.


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