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Longer chapter! ;)

I have successfully managed to avoid her the whole day at school.

After yesterday, I simply couldn't face her.

The desire and hunger I had for her yesterday scares me. How could I want such an unattractive person so much?

I mean she's not even my type.

She's fat and older than me for goodness sake!

"Wat is fout met jou?" - [What is wrong with you?] Greg asks as we exit the school gates.

"Niks is fout met my." - [Nothing is wrong with me.] I spare a sideways glance at him.

"Jy lyk gespanne." - [You seem tense.] He observed.

"Dis niks, lose dit." - [It's nothing, drop it.]

He shrugged and talked about something else.

The whole time, my mind kept drifting back to this time yesterday after school.

Right now, she'd be pinned to the wall, my lips brushing over every inch of her neck.

Once we reached our now usual vacant spot, I yet again pinned her against the wall and went incredibly close to her face.

My breath fanned against her forehead as her breathing quickened.

"Why do you think I ignored you?" I whispered in her ear.

I saw her breathing stop for a second causing a satisfactory smirk to etch itself on my face.

"I-I don't know, you tell me." The sentence came out rushed.

My lip twitched a little into a small smile as I thought about yesterday's events.

All of a sudden, someone bumped into me. Or I probably bumped into them.

I looked up and saw I bumped into the fat girl's dread-locked friend.

"Sorry." I apologised.

"It's fine." She said before turning but froze and whipped back around.

"Tyler, right? Where is Wendy today?" She asked.

"Who in the hell is Wendy?" I asked confused.

"My friend. The one you've been talking 'privately' with every after school the last couple of days." She air quoted 'privately'.


Her name is Wendy.

"You've been talking to her all this time but you don't even know her name? Wow." She rhetorically asked incredulously.

I didn't know how to respond to that so I didn't.

But I did notice however, that she kept saying that Wendy and I were 'talking' so that means Wendy possibly didn't tell her about yesterday. Or the other days.

"Wie en wat praat sy van?" - [Who and what is she talking about?] Greg asked me.

I just shrugged.

"You know who I'm talking about, don't act like you don't." She said before turning around and walking away.

"Ek weet nie van wie sy praat oor." - [I don't know who she's talking about.] I told Greg.

He just shrugged and continued our previous conversation.

A thought suddenly occured to me.

Wendy's friend knows my name.

The Fat Girl Somehow Stole My HeartWhere stories live. Discover now