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Tyler's P.O.V

"I don't think you understand young man," Wendy's father continued shouting. "How drastically your presence in my daughter's life has impacted her. Both emotionally but most importantly academically. Has she told you how much her grades has dropped? She was a straight A student."

I found it interesting how he had said 'academically' was more important than 'emotionally'.

"I love her sir, I would- " I tried saying but he interrupted me.

"You love her?" He scoffed. "What do you know about love? The only love my daughter needs is from me, her mother and the family she has. She doesn't need you."

"With all due respect, I will have to correct you on that one sir. Wendy and I need each other."

"Need each other? No. I will tell you what you need. You need to get out of her life and stay out. You did nothing but pull my daughter down to your pathetic level."

"I'm sorry but I can't do that. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have woken up. Wendy gives me strength. She is my strength. Without her..." I trailed off not even wanting to imagine a life without her.

"Without her you'll be fine."

"No, I won't."

I swear I saw smoke come out of the man's ears.

"You have no idea who you're messing with. I'm only going to say this once more: Stay away from my daughter. Or, you will regret it." He took a step closer to my face. "Get out of my house." He said as he pointed in the direction of the huge door of this humongous house.

I looked over at Wendy's mother who was standing quietly next to her husband in this kitchen, hoping the soft motherly feature all mothers seem to have, would come out and give me a chance to explain.

But she instead looked away from me and wrapped her arm around Wendy's father's arm.


I got up the kitchen chair and walked out. Immediately, the door was slammed behind me.

I can't be surprised at how awful this meeting went, 'cause Wendy did warn me.

But no, me being Mr. Know-It-All insisted on meeting her parents thinking the same charm I had on Wendy would work on them.

Couldn't have been more wrong.

I took my phone out and texted Wendy.

Tyler: Meet me at the park in 30 minutes?

My Queen: Why in 30 minutes? Why not right now?

Tyler: If you leave now, your parents might figure that you're going to meet up w me.

My Queen: Oh, right. See you in 30 minutes.

Tyler: I miss you though.

My Queen: I miss you more.

Seconds later.

My Queen: 30 minutes is a long timeee.

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