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I had already turned around and was about to walk away when I heard something else that made my heart literally stop.

"...Wendy. I-I love you s-so much more." Tyler continued his sentence. His voice was very soft and his eyes were closed.
How did he know I was here?

His words seemed to have glued me to the floor because I could not move.

My heart started beating a million times per second. Am I dreaming?

Tammy-Lee seemed to look just as stricken as me as she stared at him, with her glossy lips slightly parted, clearly in shock.

Neither of us could believe what this nigga had just said.

As if she felt my presence, Tammy-Lee snapped her head to my direction.

"What are you doing here?" She barked, every word venomous.

Her hostility shocked me to be honest, but I didn't let it show.

"I could ask you the same question, seeing as you know, you're not his girlfriend anymore." I evenly said.

She dramatically narrowed her eyes at me before saying, "How do you know that?"

"It really doesn't matter. But what does matter is you're not his girlfriend anymore so you have no sort of right to ask me what I'm doing here." I couldn't hide the happy smile that crept up my face after saying those words.

"But so aren't you." She crossed her arms and smirked.

"True. But guess what? He loves me." I cruelly laughed. "Not you."

She got off the bed and fixed her short floral dress at the edges. Her legs were long and as some will say, sexy.

"True," She mocked me, "But I'm still, as Tyler said, prettier and skinnier than you. It's probably just the medication talking. He'll come back to his senses soon, and realise who he truly loves."

"Which will still be me, darling." I chuckled. "See, you may be skinnier but honey please, you are definitely not prettier than me."

She scoffed and opened her mouth to probably argue but I cut her off.

"Look, I'm not here for this shit," I dramatically waved my hand around. "I came here to see Tyler, and clearly he wouldn't be too disappointed to see me based on what he just said, so if you would leave, that'd be great." I flashed her a clearly fake smile.

"Who are you to tell me to leave?" She scoffed.

I smiled. "The girl he loves."

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes and grabbed her handbag from the visitors chair before rushing out, her heels loudly clicking on the hospital tiles.

"Tyler," I whispered as I rushed to his side and took his hand in mine.

His eyes were opening and closing so it looked like he was drifting in and out of consciousness.

"Tyler, stay with me." I begged. "I'll quickly go get a doctor."

I let go of his hand and was about to run out and get a doctor, when I felt a light tugging on my finger.

"No." He barely choked out.

"What, why?"

It took him a while to answer because he was really struggling to talk but it was obvious that he was trying his best so I had to be patient.

"The doc...doctor will just drug me back into a coma again."


So he has woken up before?

"Oh. But maybe he does that for a reason."

He shook his head.

I waited for him to elaborate but he never did.

He just stared at me.

After a while I took a deep breath before letting it all out.

"What the fuck Tyler?" I scolded in a broken voice as I was at the verge of tears. "Why? Why would you do that to yourself? To me?"

I looked down as I silently cried, my body shaking violently.

All of a sudden, I felt a cold but soothing hand rest on top of mine. He gave it a strengthless squeeze before intertwining it with mine.

"I'm sorry." Was the last thing he could say before he drifted back into a straight three week coma.


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