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"Let's go." I said to the boys as I made a U-turn, already on the way out.

"What's wrong?" They asked in unison, confusion splattered on their faces.

I took a deep breath to calm myself down and prevent myself from straight out crying. I faced away from them as I steadied my shaking voice.

"Why didn't you stop me?" My voice came out barely a whisper.

I hoped they caught the question despite the noises of the beeping machines coming from the rooms down the passage.

"Stop you?" Jared asked. "From what?"

"From this!" I wailed as I pointed inside Tyler's room. "From seeing this! From coming here!" I knelt down as I had a meltdown in the middle of the hospital passage.

The meltdown wasn't only from seeing Tammy-Lee here but it was from everything happening.

Me not speaking to Tyler before he got into a coma. Tyler being in a coma. The stupid thoughts I had about being the reason why Tyler was in a coma but just realising now how wrong I was. Tammy-Lee. The realisation that he doesn't need me. The cause of the coma being alcohol poisoning. The thought that he might not wake up. The fact that I still care about him so much. How devastated his mother must be. Every single thing.

I didn't even realise I was shaking until Jared and Deandre dropped beside me and both hugged me.

"It'll be okay," Deandre shushed me as they rocketed me back and forth. "He will be okay."

"T-Tammy-Lee." I choked out her name to get them to understand what was the main contributing factor to my meltdown.

They seemed confused before they quickly peeped inside the room and quickly understood.

"She shouldn't be here." Deandre said to Jared.

"Yeah," Jared agreed. "What is she doing here anyway?"

I stared at them confused. Have they forgotten that she is his girlfriend?

"In case you forgot...she is Tyler's girlfriend." I said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world, because honestly, it was.

They both simultaneously shook their heads.

"Nope," Deandre said. "Not anymore. He broke up with her."

I didn't even know how to feel.

"Why?" I softly asked.

They both looked at each other for a second before looking back at me.

"Uhm, we don't know anyway, you should go in." Jared said quickly, seeming to be dismissing my question.

The usual me would have persisted but I didn't have the strength for that right now so I let it go.

"If they've broken up, why is she here?" I asked, instead.

They shrugged. "It doesn't matter either way, she needs to go. I'm sure Tyler would prefer you than her on that hospital bed with him."

"What makes you so sure? Tyler broke up with me, remember?" I couldn't risk Tyler telling me to get out if he woke up.

What if he expected Tammy-Lee to be there when he wakes up but found me instead?

I couldn't handle that rejection.

"Because you left him with no choice Wendy!" Deandre suddenly snapped. "What did you expect him to do after you kissed another guy in front of him after he professed his love for you?"

I opened my mouth only to close it a moment later.

"I did not kiss David!" I exclaimed. "He is the one who kissed me! I didn't even kiss him back. And to answer your question, I expected him to give me a chance to explain and not fucking get a new girlfriend the flipping next day." My body started shaking again.

Why did I even come here?

After all he has done to me, here I am, breaking down in the middle of a hospital passage, because of him.

All of a sudden, I felt two pairs of arms forcibly lift me up from the ground.

"Dust her off in front." Jared said to Deandre as he dusted me off at the back, very careful not to touch my butt.

Deandre did as he was told, and soon I didn't look like I had just wiped the floor with my body.

"Now," Jared commanded. "Get your butt inside of that room and stop feeling sorry for yourself. You clearly still care about Tyler or else you wouldn't be here." He said with a voice that left no room for argument.

He was clearly fed up.

But it was the little motivation I needed to actually do this and make Tyler mine again.

Mine alone.

I took a deep breath and quietly went inside the room, ready to take Tammy-Lee by surprise and kick her out.

"I love you." I heard her whisper as she ran her fingers down his chest in a soothing notion.

I was about to make my presence known to her before something totally unexpected happened.

Tyler slowly moved his fingers and curled them around her other hand. He parted his pink lips before he softly whispered,

"I-I love you too."

That was enough to break all the pieces of my heart, all over again.

Only heaven knows why I keep doing this to myself.


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