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Tyler's P.O.V

* same day *

What the fuck am I doing?


Am I really doing what I think I'm doing?

Did I really just kiss her in public?

Fuck, I need to stop.

I prepared my body to pull back when I felt her lips move against mine.

She's kissing back.

I couldn't help but want her lips even more. I swear her lips were as addicting as sugar or drugs.

We, kissing in public is really bad for both of us. Not just me.

She is older than me so obviously to the public, it'd reflect as the idea of me being her boy toy.

Even if she's just one year older.

Her friends will ridicule her.

She's not only older but she's also bigger than me.

What must my friends be thi-

All of a sudden I felt her lips withdraw from mine and a painful impact erupt on my cheek.

Did she just slap me?

"How dare you kiss me?" She screamed before speedily walking away from me, leaving me standing dumbfounded and humiliated.

I noticed the people around me snickering and a variation of facial expressions directed at me.

Mostly were amused, shocked, gossip ready, surprised and confused.

I don't even want to see my friends' reaction.

She's clever, I'll give her that.

She slapped me and purposely screamed 'How dare you kiss me?' loudly enough for everyone to hear so that it'd seem like I randomly kissed her, wiping away the image of me being her boy toy but instead replacing it with one of me having a one-sided crush on her.

I turned around and went back to where my friends are standing, ready for whatever they're finna throw at me.


Look back Wendy, look back. 

I've been staring at her back for the past hour in class, hoping she'd look back.

She hasn't even glanced back. When she took her books out, she didn't turn around. She pulled her bag from behind her with her right hand and took them out, facing forward.

She is by all means avoiding me. When I passed her desk on my way to my own, she looked down and started scribbling something, just to avoid eye contact with me.

"Is there anybody not studying or is done?" The invigilator asked the silent class.

I saw Wendy's hand fly up along with a couple others.

The invigilator saw Wendy's hand first so he picked her.

Wendy went up to the tall teacher and nodded a couple times while he instructed her on what to do. I saw her mouth, "Yes sir."

He hands her some papers and she goes out.

This is an opportunity. I realise. During this time the school is almost empty outside as every student is inside, studying.

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