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"Tyler, het jy 'n extra pen?" - [Tyler, do you have an extra pen?] One of the girls in my actual class whispered to me, disrupting my thoughts.

I shook my head as a no and went back to revising my plan in my head.

Once I figured that my plan is fool proof, I was ready to put it in motion.

All that I need now is for the fat girl to turn around.

I'll keep a close eye on her while studying, I promised myself.

She eventually did turn around 20 minutes later and my eyes immediately darted to hers, hoping that she'll look at me today, like she always does.

She did, after taking a couple books out, and I wasted no time in winking.

I expected a blush from her or at least her eyes to widen but none of those happened.

Instead, she crinkled her eyebrows in a sort of confused state, and gave me a strange look that practically screamed 'Are you crazy or something?'

She turned back around and I couldn't be more embarrassed right now.

I narrowed in my eyes on her cheeks but didn't see them widen. Not even an inch.

I mentally groaned. If she doesn't have a crush on me then what's her story with me? 

I decided to try my plan again and waited impatiently for her to turn back around, whilst I studied.

5 minutes before the lunch break's bell rings, she only then turned around to put her books back in her bag.

I waited patiently for her to look up at me and she did.

I winked again, only this time licking my lips suggestively.

Her eyebrow shot up whilst her eyes widened in confusion and her face masked with disgust.

She lightly shook her head and turned around.

I became enraged.

How dare she?

I'm trying to flirt with her here and she has the audacity to be disgusted and shake her head?

What kind of a crush is that she has on me?

Usually when your 'crush' flirts with you, the sane thing to do would be to flirt back but she-

Maybe she doesn't have a crush on me, This sudden thought disrupted my short rant.

Just then, the bell signalling the start of lunch break rang.


The whole break, the fat girl kept popping in and out of my head.

This frustrated me because images of her disgusted face were among those thoughts and my soul would just become more embarrassed.

If she doesn't have a crush on me, then why the hell does she keep staring at me?

A bold thought suddenly occured to me.

I am going to ask her.


My thoughts about the fat girl were threatening to be a distraction of my focus on the exam in front of me so I quickly and swiftly wrote my paper.

Being done early, as always, I designed my plan on asking her.

A thought popped into mind and I decided that's exactly how I'm going to ask her.

The Fat Girl Somehow Stole My HeartWhere stories live. Discover now