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Please read the very short A/N (author's note) at the end regarding the next chapter.


* same day, same place *

"Well, uh-" She tried speaking but I cut her off.

"Sshh." I put my index finger on  her plumpy lips.

An idea came to mind.

"Suck it."

Her face crinkled in confused.

"Suck what?" She said through my finger.

"My finger, suck it." I observed her.

Without another word, she opened her mouth and actually did it.

I recoiled my finger back in shock.

I stared at her in amazement.

Does this mean she would suck my d-

"Don't think because I sucked your finger, I would suck your dick. Forget it." She stated quickly.


"So why did you suck my finger?"

"I don't know, I felt like it...I guess." She shrugged.

I nodded and stared at her addictive lips.

They were a little swollen from our make-out session a couple minutes ago.

I want to make them more swollen.

"So you'll tell me once you're done staring at my lips?" She smirked.

I quickly averted my eyes away from her juicy lips.

"Back to why we're here...this was the last time we kiss. We should never do it again because we're not dating and probably never will." I said in a strained voice.

All of a sudden, she came incredibly close to my face. "Are you sure that's the last time we kiss?" She slowly whispered against my lips.

"I-I'm sure." I stuttered.

"100% sure?" She lightly brushed her lips against mine, teasing the shit out of me.

"Of course not." I pressed my lips against her sweet ones.

She returned the kiss but retracted a second later. "I thought you were sure..." She whispered, her hot breath fanning against my lips.

"So did I..." I answered, my eyes glued on her teasing lips.

Her lips lifted into a smirk before she gently pressed them against mine.

Before I could kiss back, she pulled back and took a step back.

"Pity, that was the last kiss." She shrugged. "Oh well." She turned around and left.

Just like that.

I stared at her retreating back in shock.

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