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* same day *

"I missed you so much." I whispered as I pushed her against the wall and kissed her harder than before.

A moan was her response as her hands travelled all over my body, seemingly absorbing every inch of me.

How I missed those hands...

My lips trailed down to her neck and she tilted her head to the side, giving me more access.

I found her g-spot and nibbled and sucked on it.

Her moan sounded like an angel singing to me. I couldn't get enough of it.

"Tyler..." She breathed out in between moans.

"Don't talk, just moan." Is what I wanted to say but, "Yeah?" Is what I said instead, my lips never stopping to suck every inch of her neck though.

It took her a while to talk but she finally did after a couple of minutes. "I-I...missed y-you too."

I froze.

She did?

She missed me?

"What's wro-" She started but I removed my head from her neck and interrupted her.

"You missed me?" I asked, not knowing how to feel.

She looked down to hide her face. "Yeah, I did." She said in a soft tone.

"But...how? You basically ignored my existence Wendy. Never spoke a single word to me. Never looked at me once. I don't understand..."

"You think I did that because I wanted to? You think I did that because I didn't miss you? No, Tyler. I did that 'cause I had to."

"What do you mean you ha-"

She cut me off. "You broke my heart Tyler. Sooner than I expected. In a way I didn't expect you to. First you insult me, and then you kiss me in front of everyone. Do you know what people were saying about me? What my friends were saying to me? Really hurtful things Tyler." She looked down again, but she was not done. "Let me tell you what one of them said.

She said I'm a predator. She said I prey after kids because people my age are not interested in a fat whale such as myself." She sniffed.

Is she crying?

"They said I'm a desperate whale that can't find somebody her own age." She continued sniffing and I realised she indeed was crying.

I immediately tried pulling her in for a hug but she refused and took a step back. "Don't." She said to me as she wiped her eyes.

"Let me finish." She continued as more crystal tears fell out her eyes.

I wanted to wipe them off so bad. It hurts me to see her like this.

"I think the main reason why it hurts so much is because it's true." She took a deep breath in as if in preparation for something.

"Tyler, I like you."

As soon as the words fell out her mouth, all my organs stopped working.

My brain went haywire and my heart pumped 10x harder.

"I have liked you before you knew I existed. Ever since I first layed my eyes on you. Pathetic, huh?" She humourlessly chuckled. "I guess what they're saying is true. I couldn't find a guy my own age so I preyed on a younger boy." She shrugged as she wiped her tears.

"So that's why I had to ignore you. I had to get over you. I had to forget you exist. I had to not interact with you. I had to have nothing to do with you." She whispered the last sentence in deep thought, as the remaining tears sat on her eyes.

There was a long silence because I, myself was absorbing and processing all this.

Wendy has always liked me?

That's probably why she smiled the first time we made eye contact.

I had finally noticed her.

"Wendy, I'm-"

"Sorry?" She cut me off. "Of course you are."

She sighed. "Look, you don't have to tell me you don't like me. I know you don't, okay? I just needed to get it off my chest. It's fine if you don't want us to see each other anymore." She shrugged, trying to seem nonchalant but I could see right through her.

Besides, her teary eyes gave it all away.

"Look at me." I simply said to her.

She ignored me and continued facing down.

I cupped her face, causing her to automatically face up. "Wendy..." I placed a gentle, soft kiss on her lips. "You are beautiful. You are not a predator, you are not a whale. You are not desperate, you are not pathetic." I said, looking right into her eyes.

I wiped a stray tear that fell from her eye. "All those things they said about you is not true. All those things I said to you is not true. Wendy, you're a gorgeous girl who knew what she wanted regardless of age. And guess what? You got it.

"Wendy, I like you too."


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