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Wendy's P.O.V

* few days later *

"Ayo!" A couple of boys I had never talked to before hollered at me.

They looked a year younger than me. What business do they possibly have with talking to me?

I shot them a confused glare as I continued walking ahead of me.

If they're serious, they'll catch up to me.

They actually did run up to me to stop me.

They were 2 short, skinny, coloured boys. One was shorter than the other.

"You is Werry right?" The shorter one asked.

"Wendy," I corrected. "Yes...why?"

"We looking for Tyler." The other one answered. "He hasn't been coming to school for a couple of days and we're worried about him."

Just hearing someone utter his name made me want to burst into tears.

"Yeah, haven't you heard from him?" The shorter one asked again.

"Uh no. Have you asked his...his girlfriend?" I reluctantly asked.

Another piece of my heart broke after I said "his girlfriend".

"Girlfriend? We thought you was his girlfriend?" They looked at each other confused.

"Uhm no. Tammy-Lee is." I slowly said, trying my best to hold back the tears that were threatening to appear.

I can't just cry eveytime someone talks about Tyler or Tammy-Lee. I've cried enough this past couple of days.

"Tammy-Lee?" They both exclaimed, wide-eyed.

I nodded. "Are you T-Tyler's friends?" I tried my best not to show how bitter his name tasted on my lips.

"Yeah." They nodded, still seeming confused to what I just told them.

Weird that Tyler didn't tell them about her.

"We had no idea he was dating her now but thanks for telling us." The shorter one said as the taller one nodded.

"Sure." I nodded as they turned around and left.

Should I be worried? I wandered as I continued my journey to class but at a much slower pace.

Was he worried about me when he broke my heart?

No, he wasn't. Why should I be worried about him then?

I'm pretty sure it's not like he's dead or something. His friends will find him wherever his cowardly ass is hiding.


* next day *

It was lunch break when I saw Tyler's friends from yesterday.

They looked rather sombre as they walked around the school.

I wonder if they found Tyler yesterday.

No. I don't care.

I continued eating my lunch and chatting with my friends when I saw them walking past me.

Before I even knew what I was doing, I had already walked over to them and asked them where Tyler was.

Curiousity had taken over.

But I regretted asking as soon as the words left my mouth because I realised that they could tell Tyler that I asked where he was which would show him that I still care about him.

I still care about him?

I hated the realisation that I still cared about him while he had already stopped caring for me a while ago.

Actually, he never cared for me at all.

"He is...uhm, well." The taller one tried saying, but ended up shutting up.

"He is what?" I asked, confused at their strange behaviour.

The shorter one cleared his throat and sucked a breath in as he told me,

"T-Tyler is gone Wendy."


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