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[Tyler's P.O.V]

I let my guard down.

And this is the results.

I thought she was different.

I thought what we had was real.

I thought maybe, just maybe, we had a shot at having an actual relationship.

I thought wrong.

I still can't believe she did that though.

I still can't comprehend the cruelty of what she did.

She knew I would be looking because I was chasing after her.

This is why you should never chase after a girl.


Our fight wasn't that serious to push her to do such a horrible thing to me.

It wasn't.

But guess what Wendy?

Two can play that game.


'Hi, can we meet up?' I texted Wendy.

I got her number from her Facebook profile.

A couple of minutes later.

Wendy: 'Who dis?'

Oh right. She doesn't have my number.

Me: 'Tyler.'

A couple of seconds later.

Wendy: 'Yes, sure! Where do you wanna meet up? The park again?'

Me: 'Yes. In an hour.'

Wendy: 'Alright, cool. See you there :)'

Now to put my plan into motion.

Me: 'Ayo Tammy! Can we meet up at the park in about 45 minutes?'

A few minutes later, the pretty girl replied.

Tammy-Lee: 'Sure, seya in a bit.'

I smirked. Too easy.


*47 minutes later*

"Hey Tammy, how are you? Glad you could make it." I said to Tammy as I engulfed her in a hug.

Though I do wish I was hugging Wendy instead.

"Hey Ty," She smiled as we made our way over to a nearby bench.

I wish I had fallen for Tammy's smile instead of Wendy's.

"What's up?" She asked once we had sat down.

Here goes nothing.

I took her hand and placed it in mine.

"Tammy," I softly said as I stared into her chocolaty eyes. "I know you like me."

Her eyes widened as she opened her mouth to deny it. Before she could say anything, I gently put a finger on her glossy lips.

"Don't deny it. I feel the same way." I lied.

One of Tammy's closest friends told me a while ago that she has a crush on me. I didn't care then because all my focus was still on Wendy.

"You do?" She sat up straight and put her other hand in mine.

I nodded. "I do."

"Tyler you should have told me this sooner, because I have a boyfriend now." She squeezed my hands.

"Dump him." I stated, rather bluntly.

She smirked. "For you? Gladly." She giggled.

Girls are too cruel.

I quickly glanced at the time.

"Kiss me Tammy." I softly said as I stared at her pink and shining lips.

She blushed and nodded.

I cupped her face and started kissing her lips slowly.

She kissed back not even a second later and the kiss progressed.

Tammy is honestly the worst kisser the world has ever known but I have to stick it out.

For my sake.

After a while of intense making out and steamy neck biting, somebody screeched out my name.

I broke off the kiss with Tammy and looked up and found it was exactly who I was hoping it was.

The queen of my heart, Wendy.

Too bad I wasn't the king of her heart.

"Ty-Tyler, w-what are you doing?" She stuttered, as tears started forming on her eyes.

That honestly broke me even more but I used up all the strength I had to force myself to smirk.

"Oh, hello there Wendy. I want you to meet my new girlfriend - Tammy'Lee Johnson," I put an arm around Tammy.

"And guess what?" I continued. "She's skinnier and she's prettier than you."


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