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* same day *

"What?" Wendy asked, after silence had surrounded us for a good 3 minutes.

And by 'good', I mean a nerve wrecking 3 minutes.

"What?" I echoed, immediately feeling stupid after the word fell out my mouth.

But to be honest, I don't know what to say.

I mean I basically just admitted this for the first time to myself and her.

"You what?" She seemed like she didn't believe her ears.

I took her hand and placed it in mine. Here goes nothing. "I think I like you Wendy. I don't know how or why this happened but it is what it is. This past week has been incredibly difficult for me. I didn't feel like eating, I had minimal sleep because of... Anyway I tried so hard to deny it. I didn't want to believe it. But after hearing you tell me how you felt about me, I just couldn't deny it any longer."

Wendy became mute.

No, like she literally could not speak.

For the remaining time we were there, Wendy tried to talk hundreds of times but her voice couldn't get out.

She ended up having a panic attack but I managed to calm her down just as I had seen my mom do so to my sister.

We sat down on the floor and she layed her head on my chest and I covered her with my arms.

I don't know why, but it felt like heaven having her in my arms like that. She was so vulnerable and worried and I was there to run soothing circles on her back and tell her everything is going to be alright.

I have no idea how long we had sat there but by the time she had recollected herself, there was literally no students left in the school. There was only the security guard and a couple of teachers left.

Her bus had obviously left which left me in humongous worry.

But she? She wasn't even worried. She was as cool as a cucumber and just started walking.

I had asked her in a shock riddled state, why she wasn't worried that her bus left. She took out her note pad and wrote;

I can walk home, it isn't far lol.

Yes. She had the audacity to say 'lol' while I almost crippled with worry.

"Oh, so why do you take the bus if it isn't far?" I asked, walking in step with her.

"It's a long story, I'll tell you another day." She wrote down.

I nodded.

We exited the school gates and started walking to her house.

Suddenly, she abruptly stopped and quickly scribbled down, "Where are you going?"

I looked at her confused. "I'm walking you to your house." Did she think I would just let her go alone?

She blinked multiple times. "No, wtf. Why?"

"Because you are not used to walking home alone Wendy." I spoke like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

She looked at me like I had grown 2 heads. "How do you think I got home after our after school make-out sessions? The bus was not over there waiting for me. By the time you was done kissing me, the bus had long left."

Before I could reply, she angrily scribbled something else down, "Or did you really not even care about me that much?"

She threw the pen down and marched onwards.

"Wendy wait!" I picked the pen up and ran after her.

She ignored me and continued walking.

"Wendy," I put my hand on her shoulder. She predictably pushed it off.

"Please don't be angry at me. I-I couldn't handle you being mad at me again." The vulnerability in my voice was clear and it caused her to stop walking. But she didn't look at me yet.

"If you become angry at me again, this time it will be for 3 weeks Wendy. 3 weeks. I honestly think I would lose it. I'm so sorry for not caring THEN but now, I do care. I care a lot." The sincerity in my voice scared me. I had never been this sincere to a girl before...nor have I ever cared this much.

The time we were apart made me realise the feelings I have for her and now I'm kinda glad she did become angry at me. But if she were to become angry at me now, I'd probably disown myself.

She nodded. "I forgive you, thank you for your honesty." She smiled before she froze.

She blinked a couple times, mirroring me. "Did I just talk?" She asked, surprising herself even more.

"I can talk again!" She engulfed me in a hug which I gladly returned.

"You can." I smiled down on her once she let go.

We stared at each other for a couple of moments, before my lips met hers in a soft and gentle kiss.

The kiss was short but magical. It felt like it was our first real, genuine kiss.

"You still walking me home?" She asked once she unhooked her arms from my neck.

"Yeah." I replied, almost automatically.

"Good. 'Cause I'm home alone." She sexily whispered before winking.


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