{Intro~Shades Darker}

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A U T H O R ' S || N O T E

Hey guys!!! So I just want to start off by saying thank you and welcome to this emotional roller coaster that is Kendra's life. It means a lot that you're here for the journey whether for the first time or as a re-reader. This A/N might be long but I must address the necessary stuff.

#1 | This book will be an emotional roller coaster. You will support one character one minute and in the next want to rip their heads off. There are some trigger chapters that'll arouse your inner social activist. When you are triggered feel free to comment because after all commenting sparks conversation. Let us also remember to be kind and understanding in the comments as we are all learning and growing!

#2 | This story is a work of pure FICTION and just because I wrote it doesn't mean I share in the beliefs. I can relate to some things but overall it doesn't align entirely with my own views. With that being said just be prepared because this book is aggravating and frustrating but still worth the read. I think there is a good balance of drama and comedy so we're not all crying by the end of this story :)

#3 | Kendra is F L A W E D asf!!! She has gone through a trauma from which she has not healed  from so she is completely B R O K E N in her ways of thinking and socializing. I feel like my girl Kendra gets a lot of hate (some she deserves because of her slick ass mouth) BUT don't be too quick to judge her because it's better to be compassionate even if you want to knock her head off.

#4 | KENDRA AND COLE ARE NOT GOALS! This is the most fun yet toxic relationship I've ever written. Clearly your girl needs therapy BUT under no circumstances should you model what you're about to read. Seriously don't do it. They're both toxic and deserve better.

#5 | Lastly, I was young when I wrote this and it shows. The dialogue, the excessive use of AAVE, the filler chapters, BABY GIRL, and etc., the story needs work. I will be doing some major construction because... it's giving ick. It's fun but as an overall story it's cringey and there are a lot of grammatical errors.

With that being said I hope you guys enjoy the story and walk away better in some way... or at least entertained.



Kendra Lyon

Cole Sterling

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Cole Sterling

Jermaine Brown

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Jermaine Brown

Jermaine Brown

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David Lyon

Queen Taylor

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Queen Taylor

Jade Blackwell

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Jade Blackwell

Jade Blackwell

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Lincoln Scott

Lincoln Scott

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A L L || R I G H T S || R E S E R V E D:

This is MY story and I take a lot of pride in the work that I put out. Hours of blood, sweat, and tears go into every chapter and I would very much appreciate it if you did not steal my ideas or anything like that. I understand being inspired but copying scenes // characters // dialogue is CLOWN BEHAVIOR and for bozos so just don't do it. If you call yourself a writer and this is your passion, hobby, dream, etc. then trust in your abilities. Work and develop your craft just like everyone else and I promise the reward will be much more fruitful!


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