I Don't Kiss Jackasses ✨

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A/N: When you realize school is tomorrow and you haven't done a damn thing this vacation. Kendra and I are both feeling the academic pain right now. Anyways, HAPPY NEW YEARS! This is my first update of the new year and it is certified shit. It's bad and I accept it but what can you do, some chapters are shitty and others are litty.

Do follow, vote, and comment and all that good stuff!

Something about Christmas being over is so depressing. No more gifts, no more unwrapping gifts or good food you can only get once a year and to make it worse school is back. I grab my notebook for my class and place it in my bag. As I close my locker I feel my phone buzzing in my pocket. I take it out and check it.

From: Jermaine

Good morning beautiful

Feeling special I text him back a good morning. As I type away I feel a presence behind me, "Who you texting?" I jump and turn around to see Cole standing over me. Dammit Sterling!

"You scared the hell out of me" I say while placing a hand over my heart. He tell me that I'll be fine and once again who am I texting. I scoff, "None of your business" I reply and he rolls his eyes.

After a second he snatches my phone from me and I immediately react, "Give it back Sterling!" I demand and he holds the phone above my head. He's a certified jerk for using my height or lack thereof against me.

"Come on" I complain and he turns away from me and begins reading my messages.

"Aww, good morning baby I've missed you, pull up to my game on Friday, ima come scoop you for the day" He reads off and now I'm irritated. I stop and fold my arms waiting for him to stop reading my messages. He continues reading and when he's done I demand my phone back.

"You're insufferable, just hand me my damn phone" I say while reaching for it. He pulls back and I suck my teeth.

"And you wonder why I'm never nice to you, just give it" I snap while reaching once again for it.

"Alright baby girl I'll give it back to you on one condition" He says and I groan. It's too early for the bullshit. Why can't we go back to moody and depressed Cole. Annoying childish Cole is almost unbearable. "Why can't you just give it back on the account that it's mine?" I question.

He thinks it over then shrugs, "What's the fun in that?" He questions back and I let out a frustrated breath. Putting my hands on my hips I ask for the condition.

He smirks, "One kiss for your phone"

My eyes almost pop out of my skull and I rub my ear to make sure I heard that correctly, "Excuse me?" I question and he tells me that I heard him correctly.

I pout, "It sounds like you asked me to kiss you to which the answer is a hell no!" I state firmly and he shrugs his shoulders. Pressing his lips in a thin line he shoves my phone in his pocket, "Guess you don't want this" He turns and begins walking away and I rush after him.

"Cole Sterling this is not funny give me my phone" I order and he copies my angry face.

"Kendra Lyon, this isn't a joke one kiss for your phone" He mocks and I feel the frustrations rising in me.

"I'm not kissing you"

"Then we have nothing to talk about"

I stomp my foot a little, "Why do you have to try me, there are thousands of other girls in this school for you to mess with, why me?" I ask.

"I don't want any other girl" He replies with a smirk.

I jerk my head back a little at his respond and one part of me translates that to something totally different. Remembering the argument Jermaine and I had about him I take a step back, "Cole" I also remember what happened a few days ago. Did us being in the car together make him think that?

"Do you?" I trail off carefully watching his expressions and when he realizes what I'm trying to ask he turns from amused to shocked and then flustered.

"What? No, I only meant that I like bothering you not that I like like you because that would be crazy and we already know that you and I don't get along that's just stupid for you to actually think that I'd actually have feelings for you when I don't because that would be crazy" He babbles on and on.

As he continues to ramble I see this as an opportunity. I step closer to him and I nod my head slowly, "Well that's good because you know this would never work" I tell him and he tell me that the thought never crossed his mind. I narrow my eyes at him questioningly and he tells me that he's never seen me like.

"Great, now one more thing" I smile and when he looks down at me I swiftly knee him in the balls. He gasps and doubles over groaning in pain as I smile victoriously. He falls to his knees and I reach into his pocket to grab my phone.

Hovering over his ear I chuckle, "I don't kiss jackasses, do remember that" I whisper then stand up and walk away.


When the lunch bell rings I decide to visit my guidance counselor. It's been a min since I've been down there and I want to make sure everything is going good for my road to college. As I approach the office someone comes out of the nurse's office with ice in their hand.

I recognize that as Cole and when he spots me I swear his face turns red with anger. Smiling I head into guidance and ask for Mr. Ramon. The secretary directs me to his office and I knock on the door.

Mr. Ramon looks up from his computer and smiles, "Kendra, come in" Walking into his office I take a seat and put my bag down.

"It's been a minute since you've been in here" Mr. Ramon says while closing the door and taking a seat at his desk. I tell him that's true and that I'm checking up on my college stuff.

He pulls up my profile on his computer and asks if I filled out my Common App yet. I tell him it's been a minute since I even went on there and he stares at me shocked, "Kendra you know the window for college is closing fast, most early decisions or action deadlines are over" He explains and I groan.

So much for being prepared.

"Have you at least gotten your profile together?" He questions and I tell him that I have. Sighing he tell me that he'll compile a list of schools for me and that I should come by during study hall to pick them up.

"I'l also find someone whose already done everything so they can help you, are you free after school?" He asks and I tell him that I have dance and he tells me that I'll have to skip it.

I groan, "But, we have nationals coming up and I can't" I argue and he looks at me seriously.

"Kendra you are far behind on the road to college, what would you rather focus on? You're future or a nationals that's months away?"

Groaning I sit back, "Fine, I guess Nicole can handle things"

He gives me a sympathetic look, "I know it sucks but back to school means back to business, vacation is over and you need to hit the floor running at this point, even your brother has gotten his stuff in and all he cares about is basketball and his little girlfriend" He adds.

He writes something down on a piece of paper and hands it to me, "Now meet at the library after school and be productive, and remember to behave the librarians are scared of you now" He advices and I laugh at that.

I'll keep that in mind.

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