Mr. Humanitarian ✨ {Edited}

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It's been a whole week since Cole slammed into me like a linebacker out on the field. Ma said it was bruised a little bit but in a couple days, I should be fine. She also mentioned that I took one hell of a fall on the field and that I need to be careful.

It was painful for me not to tell her that it was all Cole's fault but I'm no snitch. Karma will get his ass and hopefully when it does I'm there to watch him fail. I know that sounds crazy but the guy literally irks my soul.

"Are you ready for the activities fair?" Mercedes asks me as we make our way through the hallways.

Our last period class is canceled due to the activities fair. It's basically a bunch of booths in the gym that displays all the clubs and stuff for the year. I am in charge of two clubs, a dance team, and soccer. I have to give a presentation for both to recruit new people.

"Great, I get to stay till 4:30 today" I cheer sarcastically and Mercedes laughs.

"Well nobody told your ass to be the captain" She jokes and I roll my eyes.

"It is a responsibility that not too many people can fill. What can I say, Coach Curtis needed me" I boast and Mercedes laughs at me. She runs off towards class and I head for my own. As my math teacher runs her mouth about her home life my brain is somewhere else.

How am I to get new people to recruit for the dance team?


Once the bell rings I make my way down to the gym and the minute I step inside the heat hits me. Jesus Christ, the devil sure is busy today! I begin to fan myself and make my way over to our booth. Thanks to Keon who brought my laptop I can show what dances we've done all last year.

As kids pile into the gym I try my best to give them the best representation. As the minutes slowly pass I feel like I'm about to pass out, it's so hot in here. I have Pablo take over the booth as I excuse myself to the least crowded section of the gym. I lean against the wall and take in a deep breath. I need to drink more water.

"Water?" Someone asks and I look up to see that it's Cole. 

"Damn boy, you just take every opportunity to talk to me" I complain and he makes a face.

"Sorry, you just look like you're about to pass out over here. Like a washed-up whale on the beach and humanitarian is my middle name. Need me to toss you back in the water?" I fake laugh at his joke.

"That was corny and I don't want your water, so beat it" I tell him as I slide onto the floor. He bends down and uncaps his water bottle. 

"And you're not dying?" I wipe my hand across my sweaty forehead and when he holds his bottle out for me I just take it and drink it down.

"Damn, thirsty" He laughs and I smile sarcastically.

"Dehydrated, it's a hot box in here" I complain and he questions if I'm okay. I roll my eyes at his false compassion.

"Isn't Lincoln missing one of his little minions or something?" I question and Cole laughs as he reaches into his bag and pulls out a banana. He offers it to me but I instantly decline.

"I don't eat bananas" I inform him and he stares at me as if I'm crazy. Cole goes back into his bag and pulls out an apple. Why the hell does he have an entire fruit basket in his bag? 

"Enjoy," He says as he rises and leaves. 

I look down at the apple and play around with it in my hands. Could this be a trick? Cole could have poisoned this, right? I mean if Snow White's step mom can do it so can he. I rise and take a bite as I head back to the booth.

Surprisingly, I feel better and along with that, I find at least twenty new sign-ups for the team. I high-five Pablo and cross the room to find Jade. She volunteered to table for the soccer team. I ask her how it's been and she holds up the board.

"I think the team will survive once we're gone, Lincoln is an asshole" She boasts proudly and I high five her again.

"That's what I'm talking about! I bet we got more sign-ups than he did" I say and we both look over to where Lincoln's team is supposed to be set up. No one is there. I look around the gym until I see Cole, Lincoln, and Frankie.

They stumble around to different clubs and laugh at each other. They stop and Lincoln gags at the club but Cole doesn't. Cole bends down and signs up for forensics and debate.

"Kay, you good?" Jade questions and I look away from them. They do not need to catch me like that, they'd never let me live it down.

"Yeah, let's get more signatures"


When the activities fair is finally over I volunteer to stay behind and help clean up. God only knows why but I did. As I wait for my next assignment I lean against one of our tables and pull out my phone.

"Hey" I look up to see Cole. He leans against the table and I press my lips into a line. This kid must be a stalker of some sort.

"What do you want?" I question as I return back to what I was doing.

"So, did you figure it out?" He asks and I question him what.

"Lincoln told me you were staring at me during the fair. You know you stare at people a lot?" I try to defend myself but I have no response. 

"It's hard not to stare at three boys who make it their business to draw attention to themselves" I defend and Cole agrees.

"I mean I understand why you would look my way. Uh hello" He boasts as he gestures to himself and I have to contain the laugh I want to let out.

"Don't get ahead of yourself Sterling, chicks don't dig forensics and debate club" I break it to him and he smiles widely.

"Mm, so you were watching me. Did you like what you saw?" He questions and I push him away. He must be crazy, I would never entertain such bullshit.

"Shut up Sterling. I would never, especially not with Lincoln's new wingman" I say as I fold my arms.

"I don't know what's between you two but Lincoln is different. School usually bored me but since I've been here Lincoln has made it fun" Cole mentions and I agree, Lincoln is different but I don't mean that as a compliment.

"Sounds like you've found your soul mate," I say and that makes him laugh. As Cole laughs, I notice the dimples in his cheeks. That's so not fair!

"Why forensics and debate? It's not like you can pull any bitches that way?" I question him and he shrugs his shoulders.

"I guess law has always interested me, I don't know. That and music but I don't think I can really do much with a music degree. I don't know what I want to do" He answers. His words make me think of a time when that used to be me, I wanted to get into law.

Unfortunately, every time I think about it the thought ends badly. Instantly, my mood changes and I feel the need to leave. Cole tries to call out for me but I can't be here right now. As I walk away all I can hear are gunshots as they go off in my head.

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