South Hill Cemetery ✨

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A/N: WE'RE AT 50K READSSSSS!!!! I am literally speechless! You guys are the bomb diggity dot come, my home skillet biscuits, my sisters from another mister and my brothers from another mother! This is beyond words, all of your comments and votes and those who follow me I really appreciate it. There are actual tears in my eyes as I write this because of how surreal this all feels.

Only 8 chapters left, whose ready for it?

I wake up the next morning with tears in my eyes

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I wake up the next morning with tears in my eyes. Today is the day, his birthday. I turn my head towards my window and it's really cloudy outside, it even smells like rain.

How cruel.

With a heavy heart I get out of bed and head towards ma's room. I open the door to see her already gone and David sleeping in her spot. He must've had the same idea as me.

I make my way to the other side and get into the bed. I lay my head on the pillow and all these memories in this room come back to me. Memories with him, with everyone.

Tears build up in my eyes as I inhale sharply. I try to make out his scent but I can't anymore, he's long gone. My eyes begin to feel heavy and slowly I begin drifting off to sleep.


I wake up again and the first thing I hear is the rain coming down outside. I open my eyes and realize I'm alone, David's gone. Getting out of bed I first roam the house to see if David is here, he isn't.

I send him a text and he replies telling me he's going to be out all day and won't be back till tomorrow. He's no doubt with Andre and Darnell and that angers me a bit. I know he's mad at me but he knows what day it is.

I roll my eyes and head to my bathroom to wash up. As I wash my face my phone begins ringing. I grab a towel and answer the phone, it's a facetime call with Keon.

"Yo" I greet once it connects.

"Yo, just calling to see if you're up"

I pat down my damp face with one hand, 'Yeah, I'm up"

"Are you okay?" He questions and I take a deep breath tossing the towel to the side.

"No matter how many years goes by it never gets easier" I answer and he agrees. He tells me that ma hasn't come out of Auntie's room yet and my heart breaks. Today must be brutal for her.

"I'm calling to make sure you're not holed up in a dark room rocking in the corner somewhere" He tries to joke and that earns him a little smile from me. I tell him I haven't reached that yet and he tells me not too.

"Where's David?" He questions next and I tell him what he told me. Irritation sets in Keon's face and he threatens him. I tell him it's no use, David is obviously going through some stuff.

He scoffs, "Doesn't matter, he should be there with you" Keon's right, he should be here but he's not and I'm not going to force him.

"I'm going to be okay Keon you don't have to hold my hand you know" I remind him and he actually laughs.

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