An Unexplainable Quality ✨

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I wake up the next morning with arms around me. They're wrapped around my waist securing me close. I can faintly feel his breath hitting the back of my neck as I open my eyes. We're still on the floor and despite, it's surprisingly comfortable. I'm only in a t-shirt, his t-shirt, and he's only in sweatpants. I try to move out of his arms but he tightens his grip around me.

"Don't leave" He mumbles, his voice deep and husky.

Hearing the sleepiness in his voice asking me not to go makes me smile and I commend myself for inviting him over. Hell, I commend myself for letting him stay the night. It was pouring down rain yesterday and he seemed uneasy about leaving.

Memories of last night play back in my head and I feel a sense of pride. I was a nervous wreck telling him about my family and taking those steps but I'm proud that I did. It felt so good to talk about it and on top of that I felt this weight just lift off of me.

In those moments I realizes that it's time to start trusting more and quit separating myself from them. It's not about me verses them but about us, and what we can do moving forward.

Turning over so that I'm laying on my back I turn my head getting a pretty good view of him. His dark brown hair falls gently over his face covering most of it as he sleeps. His mouth is slightly parted letting out small breaths and whilst studying him I realize, he's not ugly.

No wonder Annabelle likes him so much. He's got these piercing blue eyes, a perfectly sculpted face and not to mention the sharpness of his jawline. He could definitely be a model if he wanted to.

I take my hand running it through his hair and quietly watch him sleep. It's true, Cole is pretty handsome but it's not only his handsomeness that makes him attractive. He's also a good person and although it took me a while to see it I do see it now.

He's got a kind a heart and it's hard to find someone these days with that quality. Someone who isn't playing with you and only wants you for your body. There's something different about him, a quality that I find in him that is unexplainable.

A small sound leaves his lips and his eyes slowly open landing on me. He smiles, "Enjoying the show?" He teases and after removing my hand from his hair I tell him to shut up.

He chuckles moving close to me trying to kiss me and I instantly jerk back. Shaking my head no he pouts. "Morning breath" I remind him and his face drops.

"Are you serious?"

"I'm so deadass, that's disgusting" I tell him and within a second his entire body changes. He eyes me challengingly and I stare back warning him not to do it. He smirks before grabbing hold of me trying to wrestle me.

I try my best to fight him off but for a skinny white boy he sure does weigh a lot. He pins me down straddling me and in retaliation I press my lips together cutting off access. He holds my wrists down and tries to kiss me but I curve him every time. At the same time I still struggle to fight him off and I have my lack of upper body strength to thank for that.

He tries to kiss me again and when he fails to do so I do a little dance teasing him. Taking that as a challenge he forgets all about my lips and goes for my neck. The second he makes contact my back arches off the floor and I let my lips go.

The neck is my ultimate weakness so when he tries to give me a hickey I reluctantly submit to his affections. He chuckles softly biting his lip before kissing me. When I pull back I ask if he's pleased.

"With you pinned down and me on top of you?"

He grins, "I'm very pleased"


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