Open Your Eyes ✨

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"Did you finish your college essay?" Sophia questions as she drizzles chocolate syrup on my frozen yogurt. I huff taking it from her, "Nope I don't have anything to write about" I confess while handing her a $5 dollar bill.

It's my day off and since I had nothing else to do today I decided to come visit Sophia. Talking things out with her makes me feel better.

She sucks her teeth, "Kendra, I know you are not trying to tell me you have nothing to write about, what do you preach about 25/8?" She questions and I chuckle.

"I know but it's a lot of pressure there is so much I want to talk about and little time to actually write it" I continue and Sophia tells me that I just need to make a list of important things that have happened in my life.

The only thing that I could think of that has really impacted my life is my father's death. Other than that the rest of my life ain't even all that.

"I know what you could write about" Sophia shares while staring ahead of me.

I follow her stare and when I see Jermaine standing at the door waiting for me I chuckle and turn back to Sophia.

"You're a mess!" I tell her and she flips her hair.

"Child mess or not that boy is damn good looking you better lock that down before someone else do" She suggests and I tell her Jermaine ain't going nowhere.

"Bitch" She says with a laugh and I tell her it's true.

"You might not think he'll go somewhere but trust me men have an attention span of a fruit fly" She tries and I scoff.

"Men or boys as in the little boys you like to entertain?" I question with a smirk and her jaw drops.

"Kendra Renee Lyon do not make me flip over this counter cause you know my hands work" She threatens and I tilt my head.

"Again Chicago," I say while pointing to myself.

"Birmingham Alabama" Then pointing to her.

She sucks her teeth and tells me to get off her line she don't wanna talk to me. I blow her a kiss and turn to leave. Jermaine and I walk side by side out of the store and begin walking around.

"So why have you been avoiding me?" He asks out of the blue and I dip my spoon in my yogurt and put it in my mouth looking away.

I haven't been avoiding Jermaine I just haven't been speaking to him as much. After the party I wanted to keep a distance from him and Cole. The tension that brewed was far too strange.

"I wasn't avoiding you I was just giving you space" I lie. He stays quiet and then looks to me, "Do you wanna try that again?" He questions and I ask him what.

"It's legit" I defend and he narrows his eyes.

"Are you deadass, you wanted to give me space?" He questions and I nod my head.

"Things got crazy at the party" I remind him and he scoffs.

"That lil shit with Cole, ain't nobody worried about that nigga" He responds and I suck my teeth.

"I know that but I'm just saying there was tension"

"Becuase bro really think your his girl talking about oh 'how long ya'll been talking' like nigga it's none of your fucking business" He goes off and for the first time Jermaine seems pissed off.

I stop him, "What's your problem"

"Are you really asking me that?" He questions surprised.

"Well something not adding up so yeah, two and two not coming together to make four"

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