Vanilla Psychos ✨ {Edited}

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"Kendra are you okay?"

I look over to my friends as they stare at me and I clear my throat. "Yeah, I just had a long night" I explain and David narrows his eyes at me.

"Are you sure you're good? You look a little rough" He questions and I stare at him with a straight face.

"Thanks, David, you sure know how to make a girl feel special" I state. Can you hear the sarcasm in my voice? I thought it was pretty loud.

"You already know" He responds with a smile and a tilt of the head.

"Anyways run that by me again?" I ask and Jade fills me in. Iris wants to throw an acceptance party in a few weeks. Her parents just installed a new pool in the backyard. I swear Iris and her family have money, a whole pool?

"Doesn't that mean you actually have to get into Yale first?" I question Iris and she stares at me as if I don't know who she is.

"Wow, why are you tryna play me like you don't know me? Yale has been the goal since I could breathe, I'm in there"

I chuckle at her confidence, "As you should sis"

Queen comes around and links her arm with mine, "Good because we have to use the pool before you leave" She mentions and we all agree.

As we turn the corner Jade gasps and runs away from us. We follow her as she runs up to the auditorium door and stands in front of a poster for Dreamgirls. I question her about and she whips around and nearly smacks me with her braids.

"Hell yeah! It's been my dream to play Effie and y'all know I got the voice" She boasts proudly. David and his best friend Darnell scoffs.

"Thank God you got better because you were trash back in the day. Remember when you tried to sing MJ's You Can't Win" He shudders and I stifle a laugh.

Jade narrows her eyes at me and I put a hand on her shoulder, "You have to admit it was bad" I say as I try to contain my laughter.

"Laugh, all you want" She snarls before she directs her attention at Darnell.

"And you. I know where you sleep Shepard" Jade continues and Darnell smirks.

Darnell smirks, "And you're welcome by anytime" He replies and I gag. I ask that they not flirt in front of me and everyone else agrees with me.

"Tell your friend she started it," Darnell argues and Jade rolls her eyes before she turns to us. Jade invites us to the audition; she even asks if we'll sing with her. This makes Queen laugh out loud.

"Jade, you heard me sing before, is this what you really want?" She questions us. We all tremble at the thought of Queen with a mic in front of her face.

Sure Jade was awful but at least she got better over time. Can't say the same for Queen and her natural ability to not sing on key or at all.

"How about you Kendra?" Jade questions me with a hopeful smile. Jade sticks her bottom lip out and I warn her with my face. "Oh no Jade you will not trap me with that face"

Jade pouts even harder "Come on Kay, you can sing. You have to audition with me!" She begs. Jade really works those puppy dog eyes but I refuse. Jade grips my arm harder and I groan, crap.

"Fine, but the most I'll help with is backstage," I tell her and she agrees with me.

"No problem love-"

"You two are unbelievable! And you, you just got here!" We all hear a voice snap. We look to see two security guards Raymond and Kevin as they escort two boys down the halls by their neck.

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