Drama-Filled ✨

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"Okay before we begin we'll take attendance" Mr. Carter announces while pulling out his attendance book.

He begins calling out names and as he reaches the end of the list the door opens and in walks Cole. He doesn't greet anyone he just finds his way over to me and takes a seat. I look away from him not wanting to even acknowledge his presence.

As the teacher goes over the lesson I can't help but wonder, what the hell is this? Honestly, what is Mr. Carter even talking about? Kinetics I can sort of get behind, motion graphs I'm slowing approaching but this shit!

"Okay, I'm going to hand out some worksheets whatever you don't finish now you have to finish for homework so I hope you were paying attention he announces as he begins handing out the sheet.

When I get mine my mind literally shuts down. Nothing on this paper looks anything like anything he put on the board. Putting both hands on my head I try my best to figure it out, unlike Cole to my left who seems to have all the answers. Why is it that he's so good at math and science and I'm not?

After minutes of staring at the paper I realize that the answers aren't just going to magically come to me. I go to raise my hand when Mr. Carter makes yet another announcement.

"I want to hear conversations guys it's so quiet in here, talk to your neighbor that is what they are there for" He tries and slowly I put my hand down.

So much for that!

I don't want to ask Cole for anything, he's pissed at me I'm pissed at him, we're all pissed at each other. Groaning I take another look at the paper and pick up my protractor. I haven't used this in mad long now all of a sudden we'll be spending the rest of the year using them? Good gracious!

I go to measure and out of the corner of my eye I see him staring at me. "Yes?" I inquire while looking towards him.

"Nothing" He responds and I scoff.

"Obviously it's something don't you have work to do?" I question.

"I'm already done" He answers back curtly.

"Well then alright" I go back to wondering where the hell I am supposed to measure I hear Cole snickering.

"What the hell are keekeekeiing for?" I ask him and he sits up.

"You're measuring it wrong" He answers.

He gets up from his seat grabs the protractor from me and places it on the paper. "You're measuring from the inside of the protractor, not the outside, you have to line the protractor up with the edge of the paper to get a more accurate straight line" He explains.

I watch as he goes along and it hurts my pride to say but after his explanation it somewhat makes sense. "See it's 7.4 cm at 145 degrees" He answers. He hands my protractor back to me and I take it.

I try the next one with the way he showed me and I turn to him, "3.4 cm at 182 degrees?" I question and when he looks at his paper he nods his head.

"See easy" He answers and I scoff.

"Yeah sure, I'm pretty sure I'm failing this class" I respond and he tells me that I'm not failing. I laugh, "I'm failing and failing doesn't look good on college applications" I remind him and he tells me that he knows.

"English is looking slow for me to be honest" He shares and I tell him that English is way too easy.

"I'm not dumb enough to fail but the shit is boring" He replies and I shake my head.

He stops talking after that I finish my work making sure to double check with him first. I hate to admit it but Cole is actually really smart.

"How do you know so much?" I question whilst writing my name on my paper.

He clears his throat, "Sorry Kendra only people I fuck with can ask me questions" He responds and I laugh humorlessly. So bro wants to be petty now?

"It's not petty I'm just doing what you asked" He says.

"So you're not going to bother me?"


"And you're going to call me Kendra, not Lyon or baby girl, right?" I continue.

"I do believe that's your name" He answers and somewhere deep in my spirit I know I should be happy about this but the way he's talking doesn't make me happy.

"So that's it?" I question and he looks towards me.

"What do you want Kendra?" He questions back.

"You wanted me off your back and now that I am you have a problem?" His tone takes me off guard and I tell him to relax.

"Why should I?" He questions and I feel like this anger is stemming from the party.

"Look, Sterling, you need to relax don't get hectic" I command and he laughs.

"Kendra I know for a fact you don't have the balls to swing on me, you're not a fighter" He tries and I laugh.

"Bro, you don't even know me or where the hell I come from don't try it"

"And you don't know where I come from either and yet you go around spreading what you think you know" He claps back.

"Oh, I know plenty, starting with the fact that you've been acting like a little bitch ever since that party" I spit.

"Because you were being a bitch!" He snaps back and my jaw drops.

I was being a bitch?

"You dropped a person on me!"

"That wasn't even fucking me that was Lincoln!"

"Regardless you still laughed so I feel I am justified"

He scoffs, "Of course you do"

Our little argument must be turning heads because the room just got quiet as hell. People are looking and when I see them I catch an attitude, "Turn around I ain't got nothing to say to y'all, do ya work!" I bark at them and immediately they look away.

I turn back to Cole who seems irritated and I match his irritation, "Oh my God, you upset my soul!" I say.

"Whatever Kendra"

"Whatever Sterling" I mock as I roll my eyes.

Pretty soon the bell rings and we both grab our stuff and leave the room. As I cross the hallways towards my locker I can't believe he got a rise out of me. I wasn't even supposed to acknowledge him and yet I did. What was my ass thinking?

Opening my locker I toss my bag and jacket in there and slam the door shut. I have lunch this period and I know he's going to be down there. Growling to myself I start for the staircase.

Senior year should not be this drama filled.

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