The Moment of Truth ✨

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A/N: Ima let Cole take the lead on this one :)


I sit at the piano playing the same three notes over and over again. G to an E to a C then back again. I try to practice my scales but I can't seem to focus on anything else but her. I screwed up really bad.

Images of her fighting Annabelle play back in my mind and I feel like the biggest dick. I took things way too far and in the end I hurt her. Seeing the pained look on her face when she found out what I did was heartbreaking.

It kills me that I did that to her for God only knows how I feel about her. It was never my intention to hurt her. I just needed Annabelle in ways Kendra wasn't down with, not yet anyways.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and when I look up I see my aunt, Laura, standing over me. She has her coat on and I know she's going out. I hear the pounding of footsteps on the stairs and my two cousins enter the room with their coats on as well.

Travis and Luke are twins.

They share many things such as hair and eye color, as well as their innate ability to read people. They're each other's best friend but their personalities differ. Travis is a more sensitive soul whereas Luke doesn't give a fuck, like at all.

Luke is much larger than Travis on account that he goes to the gym but Travis got hands. He's quick and light on his feet which comes in handy when Luke is running his mouth, which he does a little too much.

"We're going to the movies, you coming?" Luke questions while grabbing his phone off the charger and pocketing it. I hear the rain pouring outside and an uneasy feeling washes over me.

"It's raining" I remind him.

He goes to respond but then he stops himself. Travis doesn't say anything, no one does and they know why. Laura takes a seat next to me sighing, "Cole-".

I immediately stop her right there telling her that I don't want to talk about it. That whole thing makes me extremely uncomfortable and I'm not ready for it. They don't question me any further and Laura tells me they'll be back really late.

She kisses me on the cheek and then they're gone. I wait for the sound of the car to start up and when I hear them pull out of the drive-way I turn back to the piano. I try to play more than three notes but I just can't seem to do it.

All I can think about is Kendra. When she told me she hated me her words were like gunshots wounding me. I know I deserved it but that doesn't make it hurt any less.

About an hour goes by and I'm anxiously waiting for something anything to happen. I can't go outside so I'm stuck in the house. I'm not hungry, I don't want to watch TV and nothing seems to capture my attention.

I take a seat on the couch and scroll through my phone when I hear the doorbell ring. Tossing my phone to the side I get up and head for the door. I peek out of the little hole and suddenly my heart drops. I quickly unlock it throwing it open.

"What the hell?"

She stands in front of me completely drenched and shivering. She tries to talk but her teeth are chattering too much. I quickly pull her inside, "What the hell are you doing here?"

I hear her squishy shoes against the floor and as much as that sound irritates me I push it down and focus on her. Her presence alludes the strongest of emotions. She doesn't say anything, she doesn't even look at me, not really.

My first instinct is to get her dry. I step towards her and she instantly pulls back.

"No" She states firmly, well sort of. I try again and she continues to back up from me.

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