Collisions ✨ {Edited}

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It's been a week since I was supposed to talk to Queen about Rowan. Every time I tried to mention it I choke and come with up with stupid stuff that makes no sense. What I really want to do is tell Rowan to handle his own business.

I bend down to tie my soccer cleats when Jade appears in front of me, "Want me to get the equipment from the office?" She asks and I shake my head.

"Nah, I got it. Can you just run them down to the field and start the warm-ups?" I ask her and she shrugs her shoulders.

"Whatever you want Captain," Jade rounds the girls up and they jog out of the locker rooms. I tie my braids into a ponytail and straighten out my jersey.

I head out of the locker room and down the hall towards Coach Curtis's office. I enter to see Coach at his desk as he reads a newspaper.

"You know Coach, people don't read newspapers anymore" I mention as I grab a bag of soccer balls from off the ground. Coach waves me off and tells me that my eyesight will go faster because I stare at a screen all day. Alright, Coach.

"Coach Fredrick's team is out there right now" Coach warns me and I scoff.

"I can handle Coach Fredrick's team even their Captain," I say and I go for the door. Coach puts his newspaper down.

"And as Captain of this team, you must learn to get along. You and Lincoln need to pull it together if you want to be leaders" I tell him that I know, it's Lincoln's fault anyway. I hoist my bad over my shoulder and assure him that it will be fine.

As I jog out onto the field I notice that my team hasn't run their laps. They just stand on the field and stare at the boys' soccer team train.

"What the hell is this?" I demand. Mercedes stands beside me with her arms folded. Lincoln and his boys apparently won't give up the field.

"Well, did you bust his balls for it?" I question irritably.

"That requires him to have a pair" Mercedes snarks back and I let out a frustrated breath. I drop our bag and head over to Lincoln. He tries to kick the ball but I grab it before he can.

"What the hell?" He shouts but when he realizes that it's me his anger turns to amusement quickly. "Ah, Lyon what do I owe the pleasure?" He questions.

"You're on our field, this is our time, so get off" I demand and he chuckles.

"Wow Lyon, you seem a little angry to see us here, maybe we'll leave if you ask nicely" He responds and soon my team walks over to back me up.

"I shouldn't have to ask Lincoln. Coach scheduled this time for us, so go!" I state firmly. Before Lincoln can respond one of his little henchmen, Frankie Bach, steps in.

"It doesn't matter what you're dumbass coach did we have a game soon" He replies and Jade shakes her head. This is the first week of school there is no game yet!

"It's our time on the field you've had it since before the last bell. I suggest you and your team beat it" I demand once again and Frankie steps to me.

"Or what?" He challenges and I do the same.

Suddenly I feel a hand push me backward. Rowan steps between Frankie and me, "Let's all just calm down, we can share the field" He suggests. The hell we can.

"Tell your cousin to step down"

"Rowan, get this fool before I do" I threaten and I begin to feel my blood pressure rise. Rowan puts a hand on Frankie's chest and pushes him back.

"Back up off my cousin, bro. Just give us a minute and we'll be done" Rowan explains before Lincoln steps in.

"Sorry Lyon but we're not done with the field. Maybe next time." He chimes in and I move dangerously close to him this time.

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