Stay Woke Bitches ✨ {Edited}

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It's been a week since my dream and I'm still shook. It felt so real and every time I think about it I feel the urge to burst into tears. In class, at home, at work even when I go to the bathroom. Instead of going to lunch I decide to sit in the library and read my book. I don't feel the need to be around anyone right now.

As I flip the pages I faintly hear two girls at another table. One has dark black hair and the other has light brown hair. I try to ignore them until one of them makes a disgusted sound, "Beyoncé is so overrated she isn't even that pretty" I narrow my eyes at that comment.

Her friend agrees, "Right did you see that performance she did for the Superbowl totally inappropriate just sing a song and be gone" She says and this time I look up from my book.

I know for a fact they're not talking about the recent performance she did as a Black Panther. They better be talking about a different Beyoncé.

"Did you hear her album it was so dumb she didn't even sing a song related to lemonade" Light brown hair girl says and in my head I wonder if she's dumb or she's being serious.

She named it lemonade to pay homage to her grandma and to describe the struggles of everyday black women. Then again these are white people we're talking about. They wouldn't understand nor will they ever understand.

"Is she really posting about that black lives matter crap? You know there is a whole agenda with that organization." Black haired girl spits and for a second I nearly black out. My first instinct is to tear their heads off but I tell myself to calm down. I want to hear what these bitches have to say.

"Don't they know that all lives matter? Because you know if there was a hashtag of white lives matter everyone would cry racism" 

Don't engage.

"Right what about black on black crime? Should we talk about the number of police officer that have died doing their jobs. People have no idea the amount of stress police officers are under in the field"

Now I have to look up, "If a black man gets shot by the police it's because he's dangerous" Flashes of my dream come back to me and I feel the tears threaten to fall. Nah, fuck them tears these bitches really tried it!

"Excuse the fuck me!" I snap.

The two girls look to me and instantly they sit up straight, "Kendra!" They say in unison. They both stare at me like they know they're in for it and I'm glad they already know.

I walk over to them and pull a chair right next to them, "I didn't realize you two knew so much about the oppression of black people. Please continue I would love to hear more" I sit back in my seat and await their answer.

Neither of the girls have much to say in fact they just look at one another and then back at me unsure if they should answer. "What's wrong? What was that you said about black lives matter crap and there being an agenda?" I question the black haired girl.

Before she can even speak I sit up and almost smack her in her face but I refrain myself. Sis jumps and quickly shields her face and I scoff, pathetic. I look to the brown haired girl and wait for her answer, "I'm sorry what was that about justifying the unlawful shooting of black men?" 

"Kendra we didn't-"

I don't waste any time before I let them have it, "No you meant exactly what you said. Black people are thugs, right? Criminals who should be locked up and kept away from society. You don't want to see us or hear us but you'll use us won't you?"

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