Secret Phone Calls ✨

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I'm getting tired of your shit! You ain't never buy me nothing!

Now every time you come around you got to bring Jim, James, Paul, and Tyrone.

Why can't we be by ourselves sometimes, see I've been having this on my mind for a long time.

I sing along to this iconic song as I clean my room up a little. I've been neglecting it for days and it's gotten to the point where I feel very anxious just coming into my room. I have this insane fear of bugs and if there is too much stuff I feel like there are more places for them to hide.

"So matter fact, I think you need to call Tyrone!" I sing into the broomstick.


"And tell him come home, help you get yo shit!" I continue and I hear the audience going wild in the background.

"You need to call Tyrone and tell him I said come home" I sing.

The musicians play their part and I begin swaying back in forth like a church choir, "Now every time I ask you for a little cash"

"You say nah but then turn around and ask me for some ass!" I shake my head and point at my mirror.

"Oh, woah, well hold up listen, partner, I ain't no cheap thrill" "Because Miss Badu always coming for real and you know the deal, nigga!"

Opening my mouth to sing the next part I am interrupted by a bang on the door. "SHUT UP!" They shout and I take out my headphones.

Keon opens my door and a look of disgust is written across his face, "Kendra for the love of God stop it!" He begs and I roll my eyes.

"Stop what?"

"That wretchedness spewing from your mouth" He spits and my jaw drops.


In case he must've forgotten I am the singer of this family and a damn good one at that, "Oh please my singing is valid" I argue and he scoffs.

"It's not valid, it's a no for me dawg, just shut the hell up!" He demands and I pick up my broomstick.

"Make me cut you fool" I threaten and he challenges me.

"Oh please, what are you going to do with a broomstick?" He questions while folding his arms.

I raise a brow, "You've obviously never watched empire" I respond accepting his challenge.


For about thirty seconds I felt like Cookie beating the hell out of Hakeem's narrow ass with a broom. Unfortunately, it all came to an end when I swung and he grabbed the stick yanking it out of my damn hands. Then he had the audacious dacity to chase me around with it.

Finally, I got him to stop after he hit me on the ass with it. After calming down we take a seat on the couch with David and flip through the channels to find something to watch. David and Keon decide to watch some stupid basketball game and leave me out of the loop.

"They're going to lose" David argues and Keon sucks his teeth.

"Nigga please" He responds and they continue to go back and forth over who's gonna win as I just scroll through my phone.

"Then put money on it then if you so sure!" David continues and Keon agrees.

"$50 says they take an L on this game" David offers and Keon nods in approval.

"Aii, big bills big bills that's what I like to hear" Keon agrees and I roll my eyes.

"Weren't yall suppose to stop gambling?" I question them and they tell me they did.

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