Bug Spray ✨

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For the rest of our vacation Cole doesn't talk to me. I tried calling and texting but he done went ghost on me. I just want a chance to explain to what I meant that day. I'm not hiding us because I want to but because I feel that we need to.

Now it's Monday and we're all back in school. It's the most depressing thing in the world because my vacation could've ended on a high. A high only Cole can give me before having to come back here. Waking up early in the morning, sitting in these dusty classrooms surrounded by these dusty ass people.

"Oh my God" Jade cries as she slams her locker shut. She leans her head against it and pretends to cry. "When is high school going to be over? I want to go to college already" She complains and I agree with her.

High school is such a drag at this point.

We leave her locker and begin walking the halls and we talk about what we did over break, well some of what we did. Jade went on a college tour at Johnson while Queen spent most of her vacation with Rowan and a few of her other junior friends.

"Kendra we have to go to the same college" Jade informs me and I tell her that we will. She folds her arms, "Have you even finished your application?" She questions me and I tell her that I have. I just haven't sent it in yet because I'm not happy with my college essay.

I wrote it but I'm not feeling it. I've recently been inspired so when I get home I'll get started on it. "Is Johnson the only school you want to apply to?" Queen asks me and I tell her that I'll sort it all out eventually. There has just been a lot of things on my mind lately.

Faintly we hear familiar voices and when I look I see him. I watch as Cole and Anderson come down the hallway laughing at one another. Seeing him laugh brings back memories from over the break. Our talk, our kiss to even our fight. In the midst of his laugh his eyes meet mines and his laughing slowly stops.

I offer a small smile but when he returns back to Anderson ignoring me I feel some type of way about that. I know he's still mad about what I said but you can't tell me I'm wrong. This isn't just some band-aid that I can rip off.

The bell rings and Jade pulls me towards our first period class.


The entire day I try to get Cole's attention but he's not even paying attention to me. But you know who he is giving all his attention to? You guessed it, Annabelle.

"Yo sis" Darnell cries out for my attention and I tell myself to stop staring at them. I hear Annabelle giggle at something that Cole says and I feel anger begin to simmer deep in my spirit.

"What?" I snap irritated and both Andre and Darnell stare at me like I'm crazy.

"Yo! Who is you talking too?" Darnell tries it and I tell him to not even try.

They ask if I'm good and truthfully I'm not. I have them bugging me for answers and Annabelle sitting over there flipping her hair at Cole all flirtatious like and it's pissing me off. Jesus Christ! Why is she even here?

She's like a roach that just keeps coming back. You spray her she comes back, you spray her again and she still comes back. Ugh! How long until I just get to step on this bitch?

I hand them my paper aggressively and Darnell snatches it telling me g'looks. While he copies down my answers I bounce my leg up and down rapidly and sneak glances of them. Eventually Andre pulls my focus away from them and asks me what's up.

I stop bouncing my leg, "What do mean?"

He stares at me unconvinced, "You know ignorance doesn't look good on you, right?" He questions. Instead of taking it personal I huff and tell him that I'm fine, just something I'm working through.

He taps his fingers against the desk making a huh sound, "Does it involve your vanilla over there?" He questions motioning to Cole and I laugh.

"He-he- he is not my vanilla" I try and again he stares at me unconvinced.

"Right and as I said ignorance does not look good on you" He finishes tapping my desk rhythmically before turning back to Darnell whose finishing up the last question. Not wanting to focus on this anymore I ask them what they did with David over break.

"What do you mean?"

"David? He was with you over break" I remind them and they shake their heads.

"He didn't link with us" They both tell me but that can't be right. Why would David tell me he's with them if he wasn't? If he wasn't with them then where did he go and who was he with?

The bell rings and we turn in our work. As I hand the teacher my paper Annabelle bumps into me, obviously on purpose. She turns around making sure her hair whips along with it. "Oh sorry" She says with a smile.

She chomps down on her gum smirking at me, "Cole just told me the most hilarious joke and I guess I wasn't paying attention to what's in front of me" She tries and I sigh folding my arms.

"Not that there's much to look at" My blood begins boiling as she turns on her heels and I lunge for her. Two sets of arms catches me before I can snatch her hair and both Andre and Darnell stand between me and her.

"Who got the bug spray because honestly?" I question frustratedly and they tell me to just let it go.

"Facts Kendra, let go and let God" Darnell tries to joke and I stare at him seriously.

He drops the jokes and tells me to chill out and that she ain't even worth a breath in my body. I huff straightening myself out and I put my hands up in surrender.

"Fine, but if that ratchet bitch tries me today she getting her ass beat on site" I warn them and they agree. I compose myself and walk out of the classroom towards my next one. As I round the corner my phone dings.

Already irritated I rip it out of my pocket and slide the screen to the right. It's a text from Jade telling me that we have to work on the Dreamgirls set. That only irritates me more but I send her a text saying okay. I promised her I would help her and that's what I'm going to do.

Hopefully I can avoid that red headed devil in the meantime.

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